Buying a House Is Like Being The Bachelor | Anchors Aweigh


May 4, 2015

Buying a House Is Like Being The Bachelor

Buying a house has been on our brains the past few weeks. We are home-buying rookies, and to say the process has been exciting is an understatement. We have loved house hunting! The other day, I had a small revelation: House hunting is like being the Bachelor. Okay, so maybe this isn't a fair assessment since I have never been the Bachelor, but let's go with it. Because seriously, house hunting is like being the Bachelor. 

Here's why...

You have to kiss a few frogs before you find "the one". 
We didn't see our dream house on day one. We found a few that looked nice on the outside but were terrible on the inside, a few that weren't compatible with our needs long-term, and a few that just had some weird issues. 

Location matters.
Let's use our latest Bachelor, Prince Farming, as the example here. He was a catch, but the ladies had to be willing and able to move to Iowa. He didn't want to relocate, and he didn't want to date long distance. We saw a lot of houses that we really loved, but lack of proximity to work cut them from the running. We can't change the location of our jobs, so those houses had to go. 

Dating other houses while you are already semi-serious about a few is perfectly acceptable.
We couldn't put all of our eggs in one basket. What if the dream house suddenly went off the market? We had to play the housing field and give other houses a chance. 

It actually is a difficult decision once you've narrowed it down to two.
I never understood this watching the show. Why does the Bachelor always seem to struggle so much in deciding who he should propose to? Well Mr. Bachelor, I get it. We had it narrowed down to two houses for a few days and went back and forth constantly. Pro/con lists for days! 

You have to wait for your proposal to be accepted.
Putting in an offer on "the one" is exciting and nerve-racking and everything in between. We got down on one knee for the house of our dreams, and now we wait to see if the housing conglomerates say that magical, three-letter word every Bachelor waits to hear: yes. 

So that's why I think being the Bachelor must be just like house hunting. In the end, we found a house we absolutely love and put in an offer this past weekend. We find out today if they are going to accept, counter, or reject! Good thing the rose bush is fully blooming outside in case we need to propose to our back-up. 

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  1. That is so true! I love the househunting process. So fun if you can keep sane. I hope you get a yes to your offer :)

  2. Haha this is great. I love the analogy. I hope it all works out for you :)

  3. Haha LOVE the comparison. Hope you get your dream house, or at least a dreamy one!

  4. I've never watched The Bachelor (not my thing) but understand the basic premise of it, and this made me laugh!! I'm sure it's pretty accurate - too funny.

  5. Haha I love the comparison and it's definitely so true!

  6. SO true, and it's SO exciting, isn't it?! We just bought our "forever" (haha Army makes that funny) home, and we love it so much. It's perfect...for the next three years or so ;)

  7. Bahaha I love this post so much I'm making my mom read it! And btw, let me know when you do move so I can have the right address for you!

  8. Update from my mom: It's funny 'cause it's true

  9. Bahaha. We are in the throws of house hunting, and it is sooo true! It's very nerve-wracking!

  10. This is too funny and way too true! I can definitely see how house hunting is like being on the Bachelor :D

  11. In buying a house absolutely everything matters. And you know, I probably didn`t meet homeowners who could take into account all the subtleties and buy the perfect house) Either the neighbors disappoint you, or you`ll have problems with plumbing or sewerage, which at first glance were invisible.
    But I moved. Yes, I decided that moving company in Miami should help me. So it worked and my new house is quite good, but I'm waiting for a dirty trick, maybe I'm too suspicious)


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