Let's Have A Day Date | Anchors Aweigh


May 7, 2015

Let's Have A Day Date

Since life has been in overdrive lately, Parker and I have been savoring all the little moments we get together. So basically, we have been living for the weekends. The week days are nuts and non-stop, but those weekends are glorious! With the weather finally sunny and beautiful (I promise I'll try not to complain as much next winter as I did this winter...oops), we have been spending as much time outside as possible. I actually wrote a blog post the other night on my laptop while we sat outside and hung out with the dogs. You just can't beat fresh air and furballs!

Day dates are a favorite of ours, especially the ones spent outside. This past weekend, we decided to have a day date doing yard work. So glamorous, right? #MarriedLife. Seriously though, we had the best time. Our yard had collected about 9 billion leaves since last Fall and I guess I was under the impression that they would just melt away with the snow or something. No such luck, so we had the delightful task of raking and bagging all of these leaves. It took two solid afternoons, but our backyard looks great (please housing conglomerates, give us back our deposit) and we had a blast together. 

So why did I dedicate a whole post to yard work? Well, it was just a fun memory that I wanted write down and remember. We are in the busy season of life, which means we have to take advantage of the opportunities we have to hang out with each other. We got our hands dirty, we were productive, and we were together. Life is good. 

The pups love it when we are outside with them. I think they both really thought they were helping in the leave-collecting business. Not so much, but they did a great job of standing there and looking cute. Darla ate sticks, because apparently if that dog isn't eating something at all times, she could die. I'm pretty sure that's the way she sees it. 

We had over 30 large bags of leaves by Sunday evening. Seriously, where did they all come from?

I felt like such a wimp because I was exhausted after an afternoon in the sun raking leaves! We had plans to go to the movie theater but both gladly opted for a movie on the couch instead. PSA: If you and your significant other are going to bag leaves, have one person hold the bag while the other puts leaves in. It goes so much faster than both of you bagging separately. So much faster. Okay, that's all.

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  1. Our day dates tend to involve the grocery store, so you're not alone in the boring married crowd.

  2. I love this! I miss having day dates, Kyles work schedule is too crazy.

  3. I had to help my mom bag leaves a few weeks ago, and the one person holding and other person putting leaves in totally helped. I hate yardwork and am convinced when it's time for me to buy a house I will just buy a condo instead.

  4. You guys are too cute! And you're not kidding! Raking leaves is no joke, I'm always so sore after :-P

  5. Married day dates are so different than non married day dates. Lol.

  6. The backyard at our new house is a MESS. Seriously, a jungle back there. A married date for yard work would do us good! :)

  7. Raking leaves is no joke. Seriously, a draining workout.


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