The Boy Behind The Blog: Darla Edition | Anchors Aweigh


May 20, 2015

The Boy Behind The Blog: Darla Edition

For this month's Boy Behind The Blog, I thought it would be fun to do a Darla-themed post. Our little Darla pup is going back home really soon, and we are so sad to lose her. I cried the other day just thinking about it. She is a part of our family and has weaseled her little way into our hearts. I just wish I could explain to her that it's all going to be okay and that she isn't leaving us because we don't love her anymore, and I wish I could explain the same to Jenny. Their worlds are about to change and it breaks my heart to think about it. But, Darla and her mom are going to be so, so happy together and we will figure out life as a threesome again. 

I asked Parker a few questions about our favorite black dog, and he so kindly answered them. 

Questions and answers (my response to his answers are in gray):

1. What will you miss most about Darla?
Probably watching Chelsea with her and watching her be Chelsea's shadow.
Cue heart melting. We call her my shadow because she really does follow me around everywhere. Even if I am sitting in my office working, she lays by my feet and stares at me until I get up. Sometimes she gets to sit in my lap while I work too.

2. What will you miss least about Darla?
Her eating Jenny's poop
It's true. This has been the bane of our existence. A few months ago, Darla decided Jenny's poop was delicious. So, now we follow Jenny around every time she goes outside so we can pick it up right away. We get lazy sometimes though, and Darla capitalizes on this laziness. Jenny is on special food for her hips that apparently tastes as good going in as it does coming out. TMI? Apologies for the visual. 

3. What is your favorite Darla story? 
Probably Chelsea going into the laundry room, shutting the door behind her, and realizing she can't find Darla 30 minutes later. Chelsea wondered where she was because she wasn't right at her feet like she usually is (see answer #1). She checked the laundry room and found Darla sitting there, patiently waiting to be let out. 
Gosh, I felt terrible about this. It makes for a funny memory though.

4. Who do you think is smarter, Jenny or Darla?
I typed this answer before he said it. We love Jenny something fierce, but Darla is smarter than she is. 

5. If Darla had to choose to live with you, me, or Jenny for the rest of her life, who would she choose?
Well, she likes me, but she loves Chelsea, so Chelsea. 
See, it would probably be Jenny if Jenny had the ability to produce food. Those two pups love each other, but since Darla loves eating more, I agree. She'd choose me. 

So that's it! Here are a few favorite pics of this little pup that has stolen our hearts...

I realize this is the boy behind the blog, but I could not find pictures of just Parker and Darla. I'll be sure to remedy that shortly!

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  1. Aww, this was so cute! I'm sure it'll be tough saying goodbye, but you guys did a wonderful thing by taking her in while her own mama was away! :)

  2. What an adorable post and tribute to Darla! I think I laughed hysterically out loud at the part about her eating Jenny's poop. You and Parker wrote about it so "matter of factly". Lol.

  3. Darla is so precious! I can't imagine having to say goodbye to her.

  4. Such a sweet post! :) I know just how special Darla has been to you guys.

  5. Such cute pics!! Dogs really are the best :-)

  6. They're both so sweet! Will miss having Darla around in the blog!

  7. I love seeing the pictures of the pups. They are so cute together.

  8. Yay for her furmama coming home! But sad for you all. Such a sweet post for a sweet pup.


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