Weekly Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


May 14, 2015

Weekly Confessions

It's that time of the week again! Here's what the last few days have looked like in our world...

I confess... Parker ended up spending the night in Pensacola on Monday. I made the best of it by watching DWTS live rather than the usual recorded episode I watch every Tuesday. It was a nice consolation I suppose.

I confess... I've decided I am going to sit down this weekend and redo my blog design. I've never paid someone to do it before, though I really should because it takes me hours! We will see how it goes this time. Also, there is like a 50/50 chance of me actually sitting down to do this. 

I confess... I just finished The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty and it was so. darn. good. I'll do a full review of it later in the month but this is your PSA for the day: go read it. It was brilliant.

I confess... I've been running a few times a week and it feels amazing I had pretty much given up running these last few months for no other reason than running in the cold is no bueno. Now that it's warm, I actually get excited for my runs! Okay, that's a lie. By excited, I mean I don't totally dread them as much as I did when it was cold. 

I confess... Two of our friends invited us over for dinner this week and served enchiladas. I just wanted to hug them and say "Bless you sweet humans for serving the food of my people". Texas forever. Sorry Virginia, but not really. 
I confess... Parker wants me to learn how to make homemade ice cream. I just don't know if I can justify that when Bluebell is so tasty and so pre-made, two of my favorite qualities about it. 
So that's a random hodgepodge of what's been on my mind this week. If I did a weekly confessions: husband edition, it would consist of one bullet point. "I flew planes. The end". Men are so elaborative. Hope yall are having a great week! It's almost Friday!

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  1. Loved loved loved The Husband's Secret! it was a great read.

  2. Can we please talk about how good DWTS was this week? I'm still not over it haha

  3. I love redoing my blog! It's a lot of fun. I keep wanting to buy an ice cream maker. I love the taste of homemade but I always find it so hard to make in a plastic bag.

  4. Good luck with the blog design! I wish I could figure all that stuff out. Can't wait to see the new look :)

  5. Making homemade ice cream actually isn't that difficult! Also, homemade hopefully won't have listeria. So there's that.

  6. Going to the grocery store and seeing the empty shelves where Blue Bell should be is sad. And I agree with runs being less dreadful in nice weather.

  7. Oooh another book to add to my reading list for this summer! Glad you have been able to get back into running, I've been trying to stay with it a lot lately and it does feel great!

  8. Cute post! I love the "I confess" theme. My husband's would be the same way I think, except he might add a little humor into it because he likes to be funny. Foud your post on BlogLovin, I'd love if you visited me over at heartfullyheather.com. Hope you are having a great week.

  9. I love this post. I can be a hodpodge of thoughts sometimes. I agree with you on the ice cream. I need to redo my blog too. I can't wait to see why you come up with.

  10. Homemade ice cream is SO worth the effort!

  11. I don't pay anyone to do my designs either, and it takes my HOURS to redesign it which is why that only happens like once a year. I like how it turned out for you! And I will have to back up Parker on the homemade ice cream front...it's totally worth it!

  12. Your design looks great!! Well done! If you do every decide to pay someone, Tricia Nae (who help me and E with the buttons for this link-up and our Friday Favorites) does great work! She designed my page and is really affordable! But you did a GREAT job with yours! Also I can't wait to finish The Husband's Secret. I'm about 100 pages in but haven't had good quality time to sit down and read for an extended period of time. The number of characters through me a little bit at the beginning, but I'm really into it now! Can't wait to see how it ends. :)


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