Weekly Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


May 29, 2015

Weekly Confessions

Happy Friday yall! This is what rounded out our week...

I confess... I had a blogger frustration last week. Out of nowhere, my posts stopped publishing to Bloglovin. This went on a few days, and now it looks like it's working-ish. I kept reminding myself throughout the week "this shouldn't count as a real problem", but it was frustrating nonetheless.

I confess... we have a closing date on our house and are so. darn. excited. Every couple of hours, either Parker or I look at the other and say "I'm just ready to move in!". Moving can be a pain but we try to be really efficient. These last couple of moves, we have had every box unpacked in 4-5 days. We will see if we can keep up the trend with this one.

I confess... Virginia is beautiful in the summer. For how much I complained about the terrible winter (I'm sure I'll be just as bad next winter), the summers sure are pretty. Sunshine never goes out of style!

I confess... I was a bridesmaid in a wedding last weekend, and I had my hair professionally done. At the end of the night, I must have pulled 50 bobby pins out of my hair. It reminded me of my wedding night because I literally sat there and just pulled them out one by one. On the plus side, not buying bobby pins for a while!

I confess... The latest Bachelor break-up was not a shocker. It just didn't seem like it was going to work for some reason, but the hopeless romantic in me wanted it to. Oh well, onto the next season.

I confess... 90% of the pictures on my phone are of these two. Pups for days!

Have a great weekend! We have plans to pack and eat all of the random food in our refrigerator. It's going to be wild. 


  1. Ugh, my blog was doing the same thing last week. I didn't notice until I saw that my page views and comments were way down. I was pretty mad too - you're not alone!

  2. I am so excited for your new house adventures! It is such a fun experience. :)

  3. I'm excited for you and your new house!

  4. I love reading your blog! We could possibly be heading to VA in the fall so it's nice to know that they have beautiful summer weather! Also, I remember still finding bobby pins in my hair the day after my wedding on our way to our honeymoon destination! So funny! Congratulations on the new house!

  5. We also unpack right away. It's just easier to relax and enjoy the house when you're not looking at stacks of boxes.

  6. Love the new look girl of your blog. The 50 bobby pins reminds me of having my hair done at prom. I know yall are excited about the move.

  7. We are efficient unpackers too. I hate living in the clutter and everything not in it's place so we have a process...and then a room for all the unpacked boxed until the next move.


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