5 Things We Are Excited About This Summer | Anchors Aweigh


June 1, 2015

5 Things We Are Excited About This Summer

So I'm a summer person. Let me just put that out in the open. I thrive when the sun is shining and the winter snow is far, far away. This past Virginia winter rocked my little world, so to feel that wonderful sunshine again is heavenly. It's been 80s/90s these past few weeks which are my ideal temperatures. I know that is crazy hot for some, but I think it feels wonderful. Parker and I were talking the other day about how excited we are for summer and what we are most looking forward to. Here's what made our top 5...

1. Pool Days
Our new house has a community pool, and we are already talking about endless days by the pool. We haven't even moved in yet. Antsy, much? There is something spectacular about going on a run and then jumping in the pool after. 

Family pool time last summer in Texas!
We prefer the pool but will definitely have a few beach days this summer!
2. Tennis and Golf
These are the two sports we keep talking about lately. We are so excited to play tennis together! I played in high school but haven't played in almost a year, so I am itching to get back out there. Parker loves golf, and I enjoy walking 9 with him or being the cart girl. I can't play golf to save my life. I'll blame it on never being taught, but I really don't know if that would help.

3. Family Visits
Summer is busy season, but it's also the season we get to host family! We are hosting Parker's grandparents and my parents this month and absolutely cannot wait. We love showing people our life out here and just soaking up that quality time. 

Flashback to last summer when four generations took on Virginia! (I was 5 weeks pregnant with Taylor Grace in this picture)
 4. Moving 
This will be our 5th move in four years of marriage, but we are so anxious to move already. I don't know if it is the most exciting move because we were over the moon for the Pensacola and Texas moves, but it's definitely a contender. We can't believe we are about to own a home. I don't think we are old enough for this, but bring it on!

5. Being Active (Running and Walking)
I take the pups on at least one walk a day, and I love seeing how much more they are enjoying their walks now that it's warm out. They love walks regardless, but neither of them liked the cold. Parker and I are also getting into running again and it feels so. darn. good. I'm the weirdo who likes running in the heat. There is nothing that makes you feel like you got a killer workout quite like sweating your rear end off. I blame Texas for this mindset. 

Outdoor dates are my favorite dates
On an unrelated note, happiest of anniversaries to my amazing, loving parents. Thankful for you and your wonderful marriage. 

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  1. I hate running when it's super hot outside, which is a bummer. In high school, we would have 7am cross country practice throughout the summers to beat the heat of the day... though it was still hot and muggy by 7am in Missouri, but not as bad as it was later in the day! I'm so excited that you guys get to move into your OWN home soon!!! Yay! :)

  2. It seems like my dating life goes much better in the summer. Maybe because everyone's looking for summer lovin'. Anyways, I'm excited for another summer of lots and lots of dates! And half-days at work!

  3. I wish I had easy access to a pool! Sounds like your summer's going to be loads of fun!!! <3

  4. Yay for a community pool we have one walking distance from our house and I am going to be spending a lot of time there as well. :)

  5. I live in an endless summer, I can't wait for some colder weather! HAHA, the grass is always greener...! But pool/beach time is always a win!

  6. Yuck, i HATE running in the heat. I'll take an air conditioned treadmill any day of the week. But summer here it's over 80 when you get up. I'm just getting back into running again postpartum after some pelvic issues. It's rough but I'm enjoying getting back into it even if it's not the same as pre-baby. Despite the heat, YAY SUMMER!

  7. I am right there with you, Summer is my time!! Maybe because I was born in July and now both my babies are Summer babies, but I just Love it!! SO MUCH! I think yalls top 5's are on point too! Great Summer activities! We have a jammed packed Summer as we are moving in 2 weeks. I can't wait to get back down to the Sunshine State and be HOT again! haha!

  8. I'm such a summer person too. I swear I spent every day every summer growing up at the pool. Love it! I'm a fan of being able to get outside and be more active too!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  9. I hope you have a great summer!!!!

  10. I love pool days. It's definitely best when paired with a good book and great friends. I wish my dogs loved walks in the heat. They have become big ol' babies when we go out now.


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