Recent Reads: June | Anchors Aweigh


June 29, 2015

Recent Reads: June

This month was a little crazy with the move, but I managed to squeeze in a some pleasure reading on the side! Reading has become something I really look forward to (never thought I would say that), and I am excited for the books I have lined up to read next. Here's what kept my mind busy this month...

by Jane Green

This was my first Jane Green novel, and I really liked it. It's broken into three sections and covers a woman who wants to have a baby to mask her problems, a woman who gets pregnant on accident, and a woman who struggles with her identity after having a baby. I liked the different angles and thought it was really well written. Great summer read!

Big Little Lies
by Liane Moriarty

Liane Moriarty does it again. This book was equally as captivating and addicting as The Husband's Secret, and I was still thinking about it days after I finished it. Definitely my favorite book I read this month! This author has such a way with weaving stories together and relating characters. Read it. Now. 

by Sarah Dessen

This was a really quick read, but it was also really unique. It's about a girl who falls for the wrong guy. Even though this guy is abusive, she can't seem to leave the familiarity of their relationship. It was heartbreaking and frustrating and I couldn't put it down. This was my first Sarah Dessen book, but I definitely don't think it will be my last. It was different from the typical chick flick sort of plot, and I really enjoyed that.


  1. I'm just about to pick up Big Little Lies! I'm so glad to hear you liked it so much.

  2. I haven't read any of these yet! I've heard Jane Green is good so I will def. have to check her out now!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. I have been slowly getting back into reading and I'm so happy! Thanks for these suggestions. :)

  4. I swear Sarah Dessen can do no wrong in my books (pun intended). I've read Babyville before, too, but I can barely remember it! haha

  5. LOVE your reads! I don't know how you got three in with the move though - you go girl! I just started The Husband's Secret yesterday, and I'm so anxious to really get into it, as everyone has had such positive things to say about it and the author. Also, Sarah Dessen's books are always a little different than typical chick lit kind of plot, but that's what makes them interesting.

  6. I love Sarah Dessen's books! I've read all of them except for Dreamland.

  7. I love Sarah Dessen! I haven't read Dreamland though so I'll have to add that to my list. I also have Big Little Lies and The Husband's Secret on my summer reading list as well :)

  8. Big little Lies is on my list! I'm excited to get it started now!

  9. I love Sarah Dessen.... highly recommend all of her other books if you haven't read them yet! :)

  10. Love getting new titles off of you...! Finally got around to reading The Husband's Secret - posting that on Friday. Gave you a shout out, of course! ;)

  11. Dreamland is one of my favorite Dessen books! This Lullaby is my favorite-favorite, followed by Someone Like You if you decide to read a few more. And wasn't the ending/twist with Ziggy's dad in Big Little Lies so crazy?! I was so shocked when I read it!

  12. I have soooo many Sarah Dessen books on my to read list. She had a great blog back in the day too.

  13. I've heard so many people talking about Big Little Lies. I'm going to have to put it on my list to read!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  14. I'm so excited to read Big Little Lies! I finished The Husband's Secret recently and loved Moriarty's writing style and storytelling! She's so good! Happy reading! :)


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