Anniversary Sailing Trip | Anchors Aweigh


July 20, 2015

Anniversary Sailing Trip

Our anniversary was almost a month ago, and we just got around to celebrating it this past weekend. #BuyingAHouseTookOverOurLives. We decided after we got married that we didn't want to exchange gifts on our anniversary. Instead, we wanted to do an experience and make a memory. We went ziplining for year one, did a weekend getaway to Fredericksburg, TX for year two, and did a weekend getaway to Williamsburg, VA for year 3. All have been so much fun! A weekend getaway just didn't seem like it was going to be in the cards this year, so we turned to Groupon to give us a good idea. Parker had mentioned wanting to go sailing, so when I saw the sailing Groupon, I snatched it up! 

We sailed along the Elizabeth River in Norfolk with the sail Nauticus program and had an absolute blast. I had never been sailing, and I will admit that the only sailing terminology I was proficient with I learned from an episode of Friends. Thanks, Rachel Green. 

Our instructor was super cool and actually grew up right down the road from me and went to my high school prom. Small world, right?! Both Parker and I got to drive the boat for a while and managed to keep everyone alive, so that's a sailing win in my book. I was a little worried about getting seasick (we went deep sea fishing for our honeymoon and we both got sick), but the water was thankfully super calm. 

Fun fact: The Sail Nauticus program in Norfolk is a nonprofit created as an after school program for under privileged middle schoolers. I loved that and thought it was such a neat way to teach kids a cool hobby they otherwise may not have the chance to be exposed to. Pretty cool program, so if you're ever in the Norfolk area and want to go sailing, I highly recommend Sail Nauticus!

This little sailing trip was the perfect way to cap off our 4th year of marriage. It was a fun experience and something different. We had a blast, so I foresee future sailing trips in our future!


  1. I love that you DO something rather than GIVE/GET something!
    That looks like a really fun trip and hopefully you had a beautiful day.

  2. What an awesome day! :) So glad you enjoyed yourselves.

  3. y'all are seriously the cutest sailors! :)

  4. sailing is on our bucket list! looks like it was so fun!

  5. Looks like a lot of fun! We do activities for our anniversaries too. It's just the way to go!

  6. What a fun idea! I instantly thought of Friends when I saw sailing, haha.

  7. Looks like so much fun!! :)
    Rebecca :)

  8. I love the idea of doing activities instead of giving gifts for your anniversary!

  9. Love the idea of doing something together to make a memory rather than a gift!! Happy anniversary to you two!!

  10. Looks like a lot of fun! Great idea for your anniversary.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  11. Sailing is so much fun! What a great idea for your anniversary!

  12. That sounds like such a wonderful anniversary!! I have never been sailing, but now I really want to give it a go :D


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