Weekly Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


July 16, 2015

Weekly Confessions

Oh hey almost Friday! It's confessing time. 

I confess... Parker and I started a list on my phone called "Places to eat other than Chilis". Sad but true. When we realized we were going to Chilis almost every Friday night, we thought it might be time to branch out a little. Local eating, here we come!

I confess... Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner splitting up was so disappointing. I mean, I know they are celebrities and we have no idea what their lives look like, but I just loved their little family. Ever since the Alias days, I've been a big Jennifer Garner fan.

I confess... Parker and I jumped on the bandwagon and are working our way through the seasons of Parks and Recreation. We are only on season 2, but I think Amy Poehler is so darn funny. 

I confess... Parker and I played tennis for the first time in 2 years and it was simultaneous depressing and so much fun. We were terrible, so that part was depressing, but it was such a blast to get out there and play again. More tennis dates soon for this duo!

I confess... This season of The Bachelorette is a train wreck. In the words of my friend Forrest, that's all I have to say about that. 

I confess... Picking out curtains for the living room is proving to be more difficult than buying a house. That's a stretch, but I feel like we have combed the interwebs and scoured the shelves and have still not found the perfect curtain. I realize this is a ridiculous first world problem.

Happy almost weekend friends! Here's to hoping your day is as happy as this dog and her torn up tennis ball.


  1. We binge watched Parks and Rec not too long ago as well! Bachelorette... Agreed. But I still watch. And there is nothing more necessary than a good curtain. I relate completely :)

  2. hahaha! love these confessions! :) There are some GREAT local restaurants in your area!! :) If you want some suggestions let me know and I will email you some thoughts! :) Have y'all been to Ghent yet? Some fun little restaurants down there but lots of other places too! :) Oh my goodness I have to admit that while I sometimes like to watch the bachelorette I saw the previews for the season and haven't watched a single episode. Honestly it looked way to dramatic for me! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Blessings, Rebecca :)

  3. YES Parks & Rec is the BEST!!! Season 2 is where it starts getting good, and it just gets funnier and funnier from there! I also have a list of restaurants to try, it's like being a tourist in your own city!

  4. You know you can't stop watching The Bachelorette... the worse it gets the more I can't stop watching!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Totally agree with Bachelorette!! I had to stop watching early in the season and just keep telling myself not to get sucked in again. It's so not reality!!

  7. Ok I have no clue if I fixed the "no-reply" blogger issue... but maybe I did. Not sure if you have a Homegoods there but it is my favorite place for nice curtains that don't break the bank!

  8. I love Parks and Rec! Probably one of my favorite shows by far, I'm so sad it's over! And I know exactly what you mean about how difficult it is to pick out curtains - why is it always that hard?!

  9. Parks and Rec is such an awesome show!

  10. I decided to be crafty and make curtains for our upstairs bedrooms. Seven months in this house, and I have three of the seven curtains done. And we're the same about eating at the same restaurant. Red Robin is only a mile from our house, and it's just so good.

  11. Omgosh, the curtain dilemma. We are there too. And we've been in our house for a year and half!! We need curtains for our bay window in the kitchen book, above the sink, and behind the couch. We don't want them to be the same but do want them similar so that it all flows since it's an open floor plan. But we can't find anything! However, I just went to my friends house and loved her ceiling to floor curtains. She said she found the fabric online (I think at fabric.com) and made them. No sewing. HOT GLUE! I couldn't even tell! She said she found the tutorial on Pinterst (which is a given nowadays). I thin I'm going to look for fabric and attempt my own. Maybe that's an option for you as well??

  12. I feel you on the curtains. I have decided to make all of ours so I can have something that I want. And hopefully it will be cheaper.


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