Anchors Aweigh : August 2015


August 31, 2015

A Smart Phone For A Smart Price

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #FamilyMobileLive #CollectiveBias

Walmart Family Mobile has been around for some time now, but I am just now showing up for the party. Here's a confession: when it comes to technology, I am next to clueless. I don't know which products to buy or how they work and need a little help to get by from my friends. And by friends, I mean ESR reps. That's why my favorite part of Walmart Family Mobile was working with an ESR rep.

So What Is Walmart Family Mobile?
I'm getting ahead of myself though. Let's start off with what Walmart Family Mobile actually is. It's a prepaid phone service with no contract or commitment. All you have to do is choose a phone (or use your own unlocked compatible phone), purchase a $25 starter kit, pay at the register and activate at home. My ESR could activate my phone in under 5 minutes, but I also had the option to activate it at home. Options are good, yall.

This rep isn't like a regular Walmart employee but instead is an expert on all things Walmart Family Mobile. My rep's name was Will, and what was most refreshing is it didn't feel like he was trying to sell me something. His first question was "What do you use your phone for?". It put me at ease much more than "So let me show you the latest and greatest" would have. I wanted a smart phone, but I wanted it at a smart price. My ESR rep let me know that Walmart Family Mobile's pre-paid service is cheaper than most of the other pre and post paid services out there. That sealed the deal for me!

When my ESR rep asked what I use my phone most for, the answer was easily for navigation. I can't get around to save my life, and I really don't know how I would have faired in a pre-phone navigation era. That's a frightful thought, my friends.

What Are The Different Plan Options?
There are three unlimited plans to choose from. I chose unlimited talk, text, and data for $29.88/month (for the first line). This includes up to 1 GB of 4G LTE data, and I can't see myself ever needing more than that. I probably won't even come close to using that each month, but it's nice to know it's there. They also have a $24.88/month unlimited talk and text option and a $39.88/month unlimited talk, text and data with up to 3 GB of 4G LTE data. We are starting to see a theme with all of these options, and I like what I'm seeing.

What phones are offered with Walmart Family Mobile?
This was the fun part. A technology buffet line, if you will. Walmart had a variety of phones available in a variety of price ranges. Again, options. This is about the time I was really glad to have the ESR rep guiding me through the process. He was quite knowledgeable on each phone available and was able to recommend different contenders based on my lifestyle. Navigation was a given, but I also wanted a decent camera. I'm an avid picture taker, and all of those photos of the Jenny pup stored in my phone aren't going to take themselves. I decided on the One Touch Evolve 2. It had a 4'' touch screen with a 5 MP camera (including a front facing camera for the selfie lover in us all), and for just $34.83, it was a steal.

Disclaimer: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to of your local Walmart for current pricing.

The phone is sleek and perfect for what I need it for. It's a great workout buddy since I don't carry an iPod. I like to listen to music while I run (anything to drown out the hyperventilating), and it's also nice to listen to music while I'm doing weight training as well (again, for the hyperventilating). I can pop on Pandora and get my sweat on.

Of course, Jenny and I appreciate the front-facing camera. Our phone has to be able to capture all of her good pupper angles!

How do I sign up for Walmart Family Mobile and what do I need to purchase to get started?
Signing up is a cinch. My ESR rep made it super simple, and for that I was grateful. It was Friday evening and while I had prepared for the possibility that I could be there over an hour, I was elated when the process took me 10 minutes. That's got to be some sort of record! All you need to do is select your plan, select your phone, and purchase the $25 starter kit with your sim card. Easy peasy!

Have you ever worked with an ESR rep for Walmart Family Mobile?

Living Life For Now

Does anyone feel like they are in a waiting season of life? Whether it's waiting to find a spouse, waiting to have a baby, waiting for your spouse to return from deployment or anything else, so many of us are waiting. 

I have felt like I am in a season of waiting. I still want to have a baby and finally feel like I am in a place where I can do so after losing our first child, but the timing just isn't quite right. For several reasons (the military being the main one), we have decided to wait for a little bit. I do feel like this is the best decision for our family and for my husband, but waiting is tough. Part of me just wants to fast forward a couple of years to the season of life that hopefully includes tiny footsteps in the hallway and toys all over the floor. 

The problem is, waiting can consume us. If I put all of my energy into focusing on what I am waiting for, life will pass me by. If I live life just waiting for babies, I'll miss out on the here and now. Waiting takes patience, which my husband will tell you is not my strongest attribute. Many times, waiting also becomes more difficult as we compare ourselves to others who have what we are waiting on. Sometimes it feels like everyone has a baby but me. I know that's not true, and God-willing one day it will be my turn, but comparing my situation to the mamas of tiny humans isn't doing myself any favors. 

I had a moment of clarity the other day. I was chopping vegetables in my kitchen with music playing throughout the house, and Parker was giving Jenny a rib as she anxiously licked her lips. I looked around my beautiful new house and realized just how blessed I am in this very season of life. It's a beautiful season, and I don't want to wish it by waiting for what I don't yet have. These moments are passing quickly, and we can never get them back. 

Today, I want to challenge you to live life for now. We are all waiting on something, and maybe that season you are waiting on will bring you great happiness, but don't forget to find the joy in today. As crazy as it sounds, I miss the period right after I lost our first baby. It was all so raw and so real, and I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of through that journey. That period is over, and wishing it away was a mistake. No more mistakes. Stop waiting, stop wishing, and start living. 

We don't know how many days we get here on this earth, so make today count. Enjoy this season! Live life for now. 

This picture represents the season of life we are in, and I am treasuring each moment.

August 28, 2015

Friday Confessions

It's that time of the week once again! I imagine teachers who have just gone back to school are remembering the gloriousness that is Friday right about now. And now for some confessing...

I confess... 5 years ago today, I said yes to marrying that handsome husband of mine! He planned the most perfect proposal that you can read about here. The day you get engaged is one you always envision and dream about, and it couldn't have been more wonderful. He always says that's the most planning he's ever done in his life, and I'd have to agree on that one. ;)

I confess... My twin sister and I communicate more than is probably normal during the day. My phone battery is losing it by mid day, but I s'pose this is what happens when you geographically separate people with identical faces and personalities. They find a way to be together. #ThanksFacetime

I confess... I am currently obsessed with that song "Shut Up And Dance With Me" by Walk The Moon. I also confess that I just had to Google who sang it, so perhaps the obsession is still within a healthy range. 

I confess... Timehop is a fun little app that tells me what I have posted on the interwebs through the years on a specific date. I have a love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand, I cringe seeing I updated my Facebook status 8 times in one day 8 years ago. 8 times! #embarrassed. On the other hand, it's fun rediscovering pictures. I saw this little gem from a wedding and got all mushy gushy inside.

I confess... Wednesday was #NationalDogDay on Instagram. I really feel like someone makes this holiday up more than once a year, but I'll happily take the excuse to post about my best girlfriend. Love that Jen pup!

It's the weekend friends! Yall make it a good one. 

August 26, 2015

Parents in Virginia, Round 2!

This past weekend we had the pleasure of hosting Parker's parents in our new home in Virginia! We hosted my parents earlier in the Summer and were over the moon to have Tim and Leigh in our neck of the woods for a couple of days.

I've said it before, but I really did hit the in-law jackpot. The four of us (five... sorry, Jenny) had such a fun time, and the weekend went by way too quickly as it always seems to do. We found out a couple of days before that Parker was going to get a 4 day weekend since things have been so busy at the squadron. Yes please! There is always that fear that family will come visit and Parker will have to work all weekend (hashtag Navy life), so it was a relief knowing that couldn't happen this time.

Friday evening we went to No Frill Bar & Grill in Norfolk and ate more than four humans ever should in one sitting. The weather was gorgeous and it was the perfect evening to take an after dinner stroll. Virginia really is beautiful in the Summer.

How awkward is the hand placement here? Not our best. 

Friday evening there was a CQ Party for some of our friends, so we were really excited to introduce Tim and Leigh to a few of the people we do life with out here. They were total troopers and the party was a blast! The evening made me realize how blessed we are with the life we have made out here.

Saturday morning, we all went for a stroll around the neighborhood and on the nature trail. Jenny was just happy to be included in the day's activities, and it felt good to be outside and enjoying the fresh air. I've mentioned before that our neighborhood has peacocks, which we think is the coolest thing ever, but we are always afraid that the peacocks will be hiding when we have visitors. We haven't been seeing them as much these past few weeks (Maybe they aren't a fan of the heat?), but one did grace us with its presence on our morning stroll!

Side note: apparently peacocks lose their feathers? Who knew? Right now they just look like giant chickens.

Saturday we divided and conquered. Leigh and I were excited to do a little decorating for the house, so we left the boys to do whatever boys do. They had a nice morning of golf as we set out to put their money to good use. We had a blast shopping and found some great stuff for the casa! We (and by we, I mean Leigh did most of this and I just sat back and thanked her for the direction) put together a Fall tablescape and a blessings wall in the guest bathroom. More on that another day, but yall, I absolutely love what we put together!

Amidst our decorating victory, Jenny also had a little victory of her own. It was empty peanut butter jar day! She lives for the day the peanut butter jar runs out and she gets to lick what remains. That's a red letter day for any pup.

Saturday evening we ate wings at a local restaurant and ended up watching Mean Girls after since they had never seen it. Everyone has to watch that glorious movie at least once. It's too quotable not to see. Parker and I have been on a Parks & Rec kick lately, so seeing Amy Poehler as the "not like a regular mom" was hysterical.

Sunday we all went to church and had a nice little lunch before they had to head home. It took us so long to finally find the right church for us, but we absolutely love where we have ended up and were excited to share that with Tim and Leigh.

Oh, because this picture needed to be made public, I just have to share my lunch from that day. We went to Tupelo Honey Cafe and quickly came to terms with the diet going far, far out the window. I ordered sweet potato pancakes with fried chicken, maple pecans, and powdered sugar. It was heaven on a plate, and I'll leave it at that.

We are so thankful that they made the trip east to see us and experience life in sweet home Virginia. It was a perfect weekend spent with perfect people, and you really can't ask for more than that. 

August 25, 2015

Crockpot Cheesy Enchilada Quinoa

With Summer winding down and Fall quickly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to share one of my favorite new crockpot recipes! I love any and all things Mexican, and when the ingredients are healthy, I love it even more. We loved this cheesy enchilada quinoa and so did our waistlines! Plus, it's made in the crockpot, which means it's just about the easiest thing ever to whip together. Winning!

1 lb ground turkey
1 1/2 cups uncooked quinoa
15 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup frozen corn
10 oz can Rotel
1/2 cup salsa
1 tsp minced garlic
1/2 cup orange bell pepper, diced
1 cup water
19 oz can enchilada sauce
1 Tbsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
2 cups cheddar or Mexican cheese, shredded
1/3 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
Optional: sour cream and green onions to garnish 

1. In a large skillet, brown the ground turkey and drain any excess fat.
2. Line the crockpot with a crockpot liner and place browned ground turkey. Add in all ingredients except for cheddar cheese, cilantro, and optional ingredients for garnish. 
3. Stir everything together well and cook on high for about 3 hours or until the liquid is all absorbed into the mixture. 
4. Once it is done cooking, stir everything again. Stir in cheese and cilantro. 


August 21, 2015

Friday Confessions

It's that time of the week again! Here are the thoughts that have been circling my little brain this week...

I confess... I met a sweet girl while walking Jenny around our neighborhood. We got to talking and she told me she is going into 9th grade this year. She then proceeded to ask me what grade I am going into. I'm 26. Cool. 

I confess... We have successfully almost made it through the summer without having a beach day. Oopsies. We live right next to a beach but for some reason just haven't made it out there. We are more of pool people!

I confess... I told Parker that if I found out I had a terminal illness and only had 30 days to live, I would eat donuts for breakfast every single day. I pretty much always want a donut but sadly never indulge in such a treat. 

I confess... I stopped watching Dance Moms a year ago after my favorite dancer (Chloe) left and the show just got too dramatic for my taste, but I really loved Chloe while she was on the show. I was so excited when she won the teen choice award for Choice Dancer. That girl was put through the ringer on that show, so I love seeing her be successful. Also, no shame for having a Dance Mom related confession. Okay, just a little shame. 

I confess... I went into Target for bananas and proceeded to spend $145. That store gets me every. single. time.

That's all folks! I hope yall have an excellent weekend!

August 20, 2015

The Boy Behind The Blog: College Football Edition

It's been a couple of months since Parker graced this blog with his presence, so today, the boy behind the blog is back! We take college football pretty seriously around here, so I thought it would be fun to do a little college football-themed questionnaire. We are hoping the Aggies do well this year but are just excited for football parties and another fun season! So with that being said, here's a bit from the boy behind this blog...

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in gray):

1. What is your favorite Aggie game day tradition?
Stepping off on the quad with the band marching by after eating a plate full of BBQ.
The quad is wear the Corps of Cadets live and march from to the field. The band is loud and amazing and leads the march, but not before we have all eaten some of the best BBQ I have ever had!

2. What is your favorite Aggie game day memory?
Being up there with Chelsea every game, sweating our butts off, freezing our butts off, standing our butts off, and yelling our butts off.
Yes to all of the above! The weather was typically scorching not counting the last couple of games of the season, and Aggie students stand for the entire game. Not kidding. The only time we sit is after our band has played at halftime. You typically get a good 8-10 minutes to sit per game, but the whole thing is just the best!

3. Is there a game that sticks out in your mind as the most memorable win?
When we beat Nebraska and everyone rushed the field at the end.
Easily the best game we ever experienced. Nebraska was ranked above us and favored to win. It was our last home game as students, and the Aggies pulled out the win in the last few seconds of the 4th quarter. Everyone rushed the field and was hugging, yelling, and just going nuts. Such an awesome moment!

4. Would you rather sit on the bench for a division I team or play quarterback for a division II team?
Quarterback for a division II team. However, if the division I team was Texas A&M, I would sit on the bench for the Aggies.
This is a fun little hypothetical that he has asked me before, so I thought I would dish it right back out.

5. What are you most looking forward to this football season?
A defense
Preach! We didn't so much have that last year.

The countdown is on and we are ready to cheer on our Ags all the way from Virginia! Who are you rooting for this year?

August 19, 2015

Overnight Apple Cinnamon Protein Oats

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #livethefairlife #CollectiveBias

I have a confession to make. I am late to the game on this overnight oats thing. Why am I just now discovering this?! Late to the party but at least I attended? We'll go with it. Yall, this is a game changer.

Nobody has time to make elaborate breakfasts on the weekdays (If you do, can I be you?), but sometimes it would be nice to have something other than a bar on your way out the door. I gave my husband a jar of these protein oats in lieu of the typical breakfast bar and the poor guy was just thankful for a little variety and something that would fill him up!

What I liked most about this little concoction was that these are protein oats. They fill you up and give your body something substantial. That's an upgrade from the typical carb-loading fest we indulge in with those breakfast bars. The key to this protein is the fairlife. Using fairlife (I found mine at Kroger) instead of regular milk gives you 50% more protein, 30% more calcium, and 50% less sugar than regular milk. I am not one for protein powders and have yet to find one I think tastes like food, so the fact that I get all this protein from the fairlife ingredient is a winner in my book. 

This recipe is really just assembly and requires very little clean up (all you have to use are measuring cups). I used a small mason jar, but use whatever size you have on hand. 

1/4 cup oats
1/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
1/3 cup fairlife 
1 1/2 tsp chia seeds
1 1/2 tsp honey
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 cup diced apples

Place all ingredients in a mason jar and stir together. Store in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy the next morning! This will stay fresh in the refrigerator about 2 days. 

Interested in making your own overnight protein oats? Look for fairlife in the milk section at Kroger.

Have you ever tried overnight oats?

August 18, 2015

Throwback... Tuesday?

The theme for today's post is "Show who you were in high school". I thought this sounded really fun. I wasn't the popular girl by any means, but I quite enjoyed high school. I had my own little niche and absolutely loved my home town. I went to the same high school as my mom and grandfather (a couple of renovations later), and because I had attended school in the same town since 3rd grade, I felt like I knew everyone. 

In honor of this Throwback Tuesday (that just became a thing), here is what high school looked like for me, in bullet form for simplicity's sake. 

  • I attended Midlothian High School and was class of 2007. Go panthers!
  • My high school did not do a homecoming dance, which I didn't realize was weird.
  • My best friend in high school was also named Chelsea. She played tennis with me and was my doubles partner senior year. They called us Chelsea squared, and high school would have basically stunk without her. 

  • I played tennis all four years, which I always say is what made my high school experience. 
  • My best friend (Chelsea) dated my now brother in law, Logan. They dated throughout high school, but he and my twin got together in college and are now married.
  • My biggest regret in high school is switching places with my twin sister at her track meet. Many may find this ironic since I have proudly shared this tale with the world. Yes, it made for a really funny story, but since we unknowingly broke UIL rules, the athletic department had to punish us and made us sit out at our next respective meets. For me, this was my senior district tournament. Chelsea and I (we played doubles) had a really good shot at going to state, and I took that from her. 
  • My twin sister was the slightly cooler one in high school. She's probably always been the slightly cooler one, actually. 
  • I took mostly AP classes, and my close friends were all really smart. 
  • I had one boyfriend in high school, and we dated for about a minute. And by a minute, I mean we dated for like a month and a half. The next time I really liked I guy would be my freshman year of college, and that guy is now my husband.
  • The Office was a big deal when I was in high school, and Chelsea and I once put our tennis coach's name plate in Jello as an idea we got from the show. Classic. My tennis coach was easily one of my favorite parts of high school.
  • My twin sister and I lived with our grandparents the last couple of months of senior year. My dad's work moved him to Houston, and they graciously let Danielle and I finish our school year out before moving us too.
  • While living with my grandparents, we each gained a solid 5-10 pounds. That's probably the chubbiest I have ever been. Sports were over and my Nana made us all of this delicious food... what are twins to do?! My Nana likes to give me a hard time because I gained that 5-10 pounds all in my face... sad but true! As soon as we graduated and moved, we lost the extra poundage.

Ahh, high school. So many memories. I know everyone is always so excited to graduate and get the heck out of their hometowns, but I would go back in a heartbeat. Those were the days!

August 17, 2015

Life Lately

Summer is winding down, and we are over here trying to soak up what is left of it! Our world has been fairly low-key lately, but honestly, I can't complain one second about that. Here's what 's been going on in our neck of the woods, according to my iPhone (what did we do before those bad boys were invented??):

Between night flights and duty, I've seen less of that handsome husband of mine than usual. A much needed date night was just what the doctor ordered! 

We went to Logan's Roadhouse, and to my delight, they had chicken fried steak on the menu! Yall, I have been searching for a good chicken fried steak since moving to Virginia over a year ago. This plate made me so happy. In the words of Tom Haveford, treat yoself!

We received pictures of the babies we sponsor, which is always a happy mail day! Angel is from the Dominican Republic and Faith is from Kenya. If you're looking into sponsoring a child, we have really loved Compassion International. 

I busted out the new ice cream maker and made my first ever homemade ice cream! This is peanut butter chocolate chip, and our tummies thoroughly enjoyed it.

When Parker has free time (which has been sparse as of late), he can be found in the shop building something. He just bought a respirator for safety and was less than pleased to be photographed wearing it. Apparently sawdust has been linked to cancer, so safety first!

In the world of Jenny, life has been peachy. She spent some time facetiming her cousin Sully. It was a deep, meaningful conversation as usual.

Jenny is also thrilled to announce that the geese have been hanging out by the community pond as of late. I think she would sit here and watch them for hours if I let her. #HunterLife

In other Jenny news, sometimes she gets a piece of turkey dog broken into small pieces in her food. She has now decided to take any kibble she deems an obstacle to reaching the hot dog pieces from her bowl and set it on the ground. Smart, but annoying nonetheless.

And I'll leave you with a picture of a dog using a pillow like a human. 

And that's life lately!

August 14, 2015

Friday Confessions

Everyone give yourself a pat on the back for making it through another week. Yes, it's Friday, and it's awesome as always. Per usual, today I am spilling the random thoughts that have been circling my brain this week. Here we go...

I confess... If you haven't watched Legally Blonde in the last 5 years, go turn on Netflix and watch it. Right now. Parker and I recently watched it and could not stop laughing. Reese Witherspoon's mannerisms are absolutely hysterical. Grab a bucket of popcorn and prepare to smile cheesily at the screen for an hour and a half.

I confess... I think Facebook should be renamed "The political forum in which individuals overshare their unsolicited opinions". Is that too long? Yes? Well, it seems highly appropriate. I've gotten to the point where I just scan for pictures. I'd rather see cute pictures of your dog or child than read why you are upset or elated at the latest government decision that you nor I had any control over. 

I confess... I like to think I am in decent shape. I work out 4-5 times a week, but after my husband's latest idea of a sprint workout, I am retracting my whole "I am in shape" mantra. I can sprint for 15 seconds and feel like I've just completed a half marathon. Pass the ventilator, please. 

I confess... I had a friend ask me the other day if Parker and I would reuse the name Taylor for future babies. I sort of cocked my head and let out an inquisitive "huh?". Taylor Grace may not be here on this earth, but she was a person and that is her name. It will always be her name. Future babies will get their own names, but Taylor is hers. I highly doubt we reuse Grace either. Taylor Grace is pretty much our favorite name ever, and it is reserved for that sweet angel baby waiting for us in Heaven. 

I confess... I ordered a Texas A&M garden banner online for the yard in honor of football season and was so excited to display it proudly. My little Aggie-loving heart sank when I opened the package and saw a sea of orange and blue. Whoever was packaging my order at Amazon might need a crash course on college colors. The Auburn Tigers banner almost looks the same... no wait, it doesn't. First world problems, obviously.

I confess... It's my half birthday today, which I really think should be a real thing. I'm still working on convincing the husband that this momentous occasion should, in fact, be celebrated.

In honor of Friday, here's Parker doing a toe touch. It's the weekend and it seemed appropriate. Yall make it a good one!

August 13, 2015

A Foodie's Guide to Norfolk/Virginia Beach Eating

When my parents came to visit earlier this summer, my dad quickly dubbed the trip a "foodie vacation". No complaining here! Parker and I have a bad habit of eating at the same place every weekend (shout out to the Chili's 2 for $20 menu), so being forced to try out some cool, local restaurants was much appreciated. 

Norfolk and Virginia Beach have some really unique and neat restaurants, and we thought it would be fun to take pictures each place we went and do a little "Foodie's Guide to Eating" here. We elicited help from Diners, Drive ins, and Dives and old faithful (Google) and became foodies for the week!

So, if you're ever in Norfolk or Virginia Beach, here are some restaurants to visit to satisfy the foodie in you. 

Citrus $$

Citrus is the perfect place for breakfast, lunch or, better yet, brunch. It was featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Our waitress was super friendly and knowledgeable, and the menu was diverse, ranging from your standard scrambled eggs and toast to Smoked Salmon Benedict. I really liked that they had a "Healthy Choices" section for both breakfast and lunch. The winning entree from our trip was definitely the Smoked Salmon Benedict, and I highly recommend giving this place a go!

The Leaping Lizard Cafe $

The Leaping Lizard Cafe is very similar to Citrus with a great brunch menu and friendly staff, and it was also featured on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. I had the chicken salad, which was absolutely delicious. I think we decided my dad's fish tacos took the cake in the entree department, but the sweet potato biscuits we ordered as an appetizer were something to write home about. A sweet potato biscuit, sliced ham, and apricot jelly were meant to go together forever. And if you go, please order the chocolate chip cookie for dessert. This is no ordinary cookie and could feed a small army. Loved this place!

Chartreuse Bistro $$$

We visited Chartreuse Bistro for a nice dinner after a friend's recommendation. It's best described as farm to table. The menu changes nightly, and I highly recommend making a reservation vice just showing up. This restaurant is intimate and pricey, so I would recommend it for an anniversary dinner or special occasion. The winning entree the evening we went was the steak!

Doumar's $

If you can only go one place, go to Doumar's. This diner was featured on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and is famous for their BBQ sandwiches and ice cream. They still use the original four iron waffle machine built in 1904 to make their waffle cones. Let me tell you, they were delish. Their pork BBQ sandwich is only $2.60. $2.60 people! A guy may need to order 2 of them as they are a little small, but 1 sandwich and an ice cream cone for dessert was the perfect amount for me!

So there you have it! We are looking forward to trying more of the local eats, although I am sure Chili's will still be dinner from time to time. Old habits die hard, ya know?