August Goals | Anchors Aweigh


August 3, 2015

August Goals

How is it already August? This is about the time of year where I start feeling really badly for teachers. Summer always goes by too quickly! I really liked having a goal list for July and am excited to do this every month. For some reason, writing it down on the interwebs kept me just accountable enough to get stuff done. Winning!

Before we get to August goals, here's a look at how July goals went...

1. Clean out office closet. Fail...ish. My home office closet has become the storage room for any and all decorative items that don't currently have a place in our home. Since I am decorating this place at a snail's pace, that stash has amounted to quite a bit. I did organize it this month and put everything in neat piles, but it all still resides in the office closet. That's just how it's going to be for a while, and a little junk closet never killed anyone. ;)

2. Organize pantry. Done! I bought some cheap bins to categorize everything, and it feels so. much. more. organized. I love it!

3. Run 31 miles in 31 days. Check! I actually ended up running 35.25 miles this month, but who's counting? This goal really helped keep me accountable and get those runs in!

4. Make Jenny a food storage container with her silhouette on it. Done! Seeing her little floppy-eared silhouette makes me smile.

5. Publish at least 20 blog posts. Done! I published 20 exactly, which felt like a minor miracle. I may have written many of them at 10 PM the night before, but they got published!

6. Figure out a good space filler for our long hallway. Fail...ish. Well, I think I figured out what I want to do, but I didn't actually do it yet. I want to do three large canvases with family pictures. I just need to choose the pictures!

7. Relax. Done! I won't lie and say it wasn't a busy month, but we still found time to stop and smell the roses.

And now for August goals...

1. Update the Recipes tab on my blog. I don't even know if anyone looks at this tab, but I haven't added new recipes in over a year, and that bugs me. One day when I have a couple of hours to spare, I'm going to turn on some reality TV and update that Recipes tab.

2. Find Aggie Yard Art. It's college football season, so I want to find a little A&M banner that I can display in the front yard. I don't want anything too obnoxious, but this is a momentous time of the year that deserves to be celebrated.

3. Decorate the porch for Fall. Hobby Lobby is calling my name, and I must go.

4. Do 1000 push ups. I thought this would be a fun fitness goal for the month. This averages out to just over 32 push ups each day. Completely manageable... until I forget to do them 5 days in a row.

5. Find curtains for the downstairs windows. Seriously. The struggle is real with curtains. Our windows are tall, so we need 108 inch curtains, which has proven difficult to find the style we like without spending an arm and a leg. If you have any suggestions on places to look, I am all ears.

That's it for this month! What are your goals for August?


  1. Okay I am TOTALLY impressed with your goals, especially the 1000 pushups in a month. You go girl! I am inspired to make up some specific goals for this month now!!
    :) Rebecca

  2. I'd be happy with 100 push ups. You rock!

  3. try checking out Ikea for your curtains! they make super long ones and are the cheapest i've found!

  4. Congrats on your July goals! I think posting about them would be really helpful - so that's awesome! I also desperately want to organize my recipe tab! Eek!

  5. I need to do pushups everyday!! I have horrible upper body strength. I might have to do this. I have put a standstill on decorating the home, but it will come. There is a good fabric store in VA and I cna't remember the name, but Cayte from Blog with the Browns would know it.

  6. Ooh,I should make up some August goals.... I bet it would help the time pass by quickly until Andy is up for Labor Day!

  7. girl!
    you knocked those goals out of the park! (even the fail-ish ones!)
    and beasting that mileage goal...dang!

  8. Good job on your goals! You are awesome! :)

  9. I was just thinking for curtains... you could do bed bath and beyond and use the 20% off an item coupons?

    Also, send me a pic or post a pic of what kind of Aggie banner you are looking for. I would be happy to keep my eye out :)

  10. Congrats on your goals! Good luck with your new ones.

  11. Check you out! Well done on your July goals, bring on the August goals! Love the Jenny silhouette, so cute!

  12. My office has become a storage room, too! But mostly with toys since Mason has been staying home with me this summer! I’m not even going to worry about it until he goes back to school because it would be like trying to eat oreos while brushing your teeth! A vicious cycle. Haha! I love that large pantry you have. That’s one thing our home lacks. And I love your pups food container. That’s awesome. Do you use a cricut machine for that? I have one (one of the first ones, eh) but have never used vinyl. We were in Costco the other day and surprisingly they had tons of Aggie stuff. Flags, coolers, chairs, etc. And we’re just a bit south of Dallas. Great goals!

  13. I love the one about the push-ups. I was doing a great job at it and had gotten up to 60 a day and then stopped. I have to get back at it. Life gets in the way then I become exhausted and say I'll pick it back up, it's now been 3 weeks. I must get back to it...Thanks for sharing!

  14. I can't wait to start decorating my balcony & apartment for fall.. its my favorite season.

  15. I loved reading this! As a blogger about 101 in 1001 days, I love reading other people's goals. Your organized pantry motivates me to actually start on mine. Oh and by the way, if you'd update your recipes tag, I'd read it! I love trying out new recipes! Good luck with accomplishing your August goals!

  16. I love the dog food container. So cute!

    Sarah -

  17. I need to get my pantry organized! Great job on your running goal. I'm also very excited for fall decorating...

  18. Your goals are great! Run 31 miles in 31 days?! You go girl. If I just walk everyday i'll be doing good. I love the dog food contained with her silhouette!! Awesome goals!! You're inspiring me to step up my game :)

  19. Penney's has a really large selection of window treatments. You might need to order, but they'll probably have your size.

  20. Can you come organize our pantry? Actually the problem is my husband. He is a snack grazer and just leaves whatever he picks up that day at eye level even though it clearly doesn't belong on the pasta shelf. I just have to accept that every couple of weeks, I will need to reorganize it. He can't handle labeled bins.


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