Friday Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


August 28, 2015

Friday Confessions

It's that time of the week once again! I imagine teachers who have just gone back to school are remembering the gloriousness that is Friday right about now. And now for some confessing...

I confess... 5 years ago today, I said yes to marrying that handsome husband of mine! He planned the most perfect proposal that you can read about here. The day you get engaged is one you always envision and dream about, and it couldn't have been more wonderful. He always says that's the most planning he's ever done in his life, and I'd have to agree on that one. ;)

I confess... My twin sister and I communicate more than is probably normal during the day. My phone battery is losing it by mid day, but I s'pose this is what happens when you geographically separate people with identical faces and personalities. They find a way to be together. #ThanksFacetime

I confess... I am currently obsessed with that song "Shut Up And Dance With Me" by Walk The Moon. I also confess that I just had to Google who sang it, so perhaps the obsession is still within a healthy range. 

I confess... Timehop is a fun little app that tells me what I have posted on the interwebs through the years on a specific date. I have a love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand, I cringe seeing I updated my Facebook status 8 times in one day 8 years ago. 8 times! #embarrassed. On the other hand, it's fun rediscovering pictures. I saw this little gem from a wedding and got all mushy gushy inside.

I confess... Wednesday was #NationalDogDay on Instagram. I really feel like someone makes this holiday up more than once a year, but I'll happily take the excuse to post about my best girlfriend. Love that Jen pup!

It's the weekend friends! Yall make it a good one. 


  1. My sister and I talked several times a day too! I love it. :)

  2. I'm so glad someone else feels the same way about Timehop. I look at my Facebook statuses and I'm like "Wow, just wow."

    Also, my sisters and I talk every day too. Literally can't imagine my life without group texting.

  3. Happy engagement anniversary!! So fun! :)

  4. What a beautiful engagement! I'm with you on the timehop updates--so many embarrassing statuses!

  5. Happy engagement anniversary!! Too cute! And what an amazing proposal story!!

  6. Happy engagement anniversary! I don't talk to my sisters a lot during the day (or even during the week), but I talk to my best friend CONSTANTLY. To the point where my husband wonders if I'm secretly in a relationship with her haha And I totally dropped the ball on national dog day :( I feel bad.

  7. Can't get enough of shut up and dance! Also the cheerleader song is totally my jamm, I'm just loving the sound of it. Your proposal looks pretty epic!

  8. I haven't jumped on the Timehop wagon yet because I am already embarrassed for myself without even delving into what I posted years ago. I also have an obsession with "Shut Up and Dance With Me." It is a great song that makes your foot (read whole body) tap.


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