Ambrosia Salad | Anchors Aweigh


September 8, 2015

Ambrosia Salad

Growing up, we used to have this delicious dessert called "Pink Stuff" that my Aunt brought to holidays. We kids ate this stuff up, literally. I set out to find a copy cat recipe and realized, thanks to Pinterest, that the formal name for this dish is Ambrosia Salad. I've also seen it called Angel Fluff Salad. Call it whatever you want, it's quite tasty. 

I like this dessert because, compared to most desserts, it's much better for you. It's mostly fruit and Cool Whip, so I didn't feel guilty about indulging in a bowl or two. Also, this dish is so easy a monkey could do it. It's literally just dumping ingredients into a bowl and stirring them together. It doesn't get much better than that!

8 oz tub lite Cool Whip
1/2 cup light sour cream
11 oz can mandarin oranges, drained
20 oz can crushed pineapple, drained
10 oz can maraschino cherries, drained and with stems removed
1 cup coconut flakes
2 cups miniature marshmallows
3/4 cup chopped nuts (I used walnuts, but pecans would be great too)

1. In a large serving bowl, fold sour cream into Cool Whip. 
2. Stir in remaining ingredients and store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. 



  1. My grandma used to make this stuff all the time! I never liked it, but after re-reading your recipe, I might have to give it a try with my adult taste buds :)

  2. I've never had ambrosia salad before, I may have to try it.

  3. This stuff is amazing! My grandma used to make it. I thought our family was the only family on earth who even heard of this stuff. So glad you love Ambrosia salad too!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. I love this stuff but have never made it! Sounds easy enough! :)

  5. I LOVE THIS STUFF! I never realized there was sour cream in it though.


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