DIY: 10 Minute Pumpkin Candy Stand | Anchors Aweigh


September 30, 2015

DIY: 10 Minute Pumpkin Candy Stand

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TrickOrSweet #CollectiveBias

Tomorrow is October 1, which means it's time to start thinking about Halloween! This may be the most excited I have ever been for Halloween. To me personally, Halloween has always been a holiday for the kids. I don't so much love the scary connotations that come along with this day, but I love love love seeing cute kiddos dressed up in costumes and hyped up on sugar. Our new neighborhood is stocked full of tiny humans, and few things sound more fun than passing out candy to all of the ninja turtles and princesses of the evening (we like to count how many Elsa's we see in one night). 

I thought I would take today to share an easy Halloween craft for displaying your candy this year. Enter: My 10 Minute Pumpkin Candy Stand!

This craft was so easy a monkey could do it, but these days, those are my kinds of crafts! These Pumpkin Candy Stands can be placed on your front porch or inside your home. We have ours in our entry way, and it's a great little reminder that Halloween is almost here. If you will be out of the house this year for Halloween but still want to pass out candy, leaving this stand on your porch would be a fun way to do it!

Do you want to make one? This is what you need...

I purchased my 5 plastic pumpkins at Walmart for $1. Pretty hard to beat $1! Before you begin your craft, go ahead and remove the plastic handles on the pumpkins. 

To start, apply a liberal amount of hot glue to the bottom of your pumpkin. Adhere the glued side to the top of another pumpkin and hold together for several seconds. Repeat this step until you have a stack of 5 pumpkins.

Once your pumpkins are glued and securely attached, it's time to spray paint! I chose a metallic silver spray paint to go with our home decor, but choose any color you like! Bronze or gold would also be really pretty, or you could go with traditional Halloween colors like orange, black, or purple. Let you creative juices get to flowin'.

Once spray painted, let your pumpkin stack dry completely outside. Don't get over zealous like I did and bring your stack in prematurely. It could result in you scrubbing paint off of your brand new hardwood floors. Thankfully it comes off, but don't chance it. That wouldn't have been the most enjoyable conversation to have with the husband.

Now for the fun part: fill the top pumpkin with candy! I used the Hershey Goodies Galore Variety Bag and Hershey Kit Kat/Reese's Miniatures Variety Bag, purchased at Walmart. With 145 pieces of candy per bag, I thought these were perfect. It was like Hershey knew about my Pumpkin Candy Stand and created a bag just for me because one of these 145-piece bags fits into a pumpkin perfectly!

This was such a fun, quick craft, and I love seeing this pumpkin candy stand in our entry way. It reminds me that candy season is upon us. It also reminds me that I need to hit the gym, because I cannot stay out of this candy. I may be heading back to Walmart to purchase a few more bags before Halloween at the rate we are going. FYI- these Hershey Variety Bags are located in the Halloween aisle, right here:

What are some of your favorite Halloween crafts? I am on a DIY kick and would love to hear your ideas!


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