Friday Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


September 18, 2015

Friday Confessions

Happy Friday! Another weekend is upon us, which means it's time to watch some fightin' Texas Aggie football! Gosh I love college football season. With the weekend kicking off in just a few short hours, here are the thoughts that have been circling my brain this week:

I confess... I have a terrible habit of responding to text messages in my head. I receive a text, respond to it in my head, and then put the phone down. Not the best way to communicate with people, but I'm working on it.

I confess... Last Sunday, Parker told me if I could correctly identify 2 out of 3 planes of his choosing, we could have cinnamon rolls for breakfast and I could pick the movie that afternoon. Yes, this happens fairly often, and yes, we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast- winning! The key to my heart is food. The key to his is airplanes. 

I confess... I have been binge watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and cannot seem to stop! I remember when I used to read books...Pretty Little Liars has put a damper on my inner bookwork.

I confess... My friend Bailey posted this meme on Facebook a few weeks ago and I have been laughing about it ever since. "When you want to throat punch somebody but you gettin' right with the Lord"... I think we have all been there. 

I confess... I count taking my dog on a walk as being social. Getting out in the fresh air with your best girlfriend equals social, right? We'll go with it.

It's the weekend! Yall make it a good one!


  1. I love these posts of yours :) That meme though!!! haha

  2. YES on the text messages for me too, lol!!! Need to get better at that ;)

  3. The first one....I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!! I always do that and feel terrible when I realize I haven't responded to someone and it's a couple of days later. Also, cinnamon rolls are the best!

  4. That little meme is so hilarious! And wishing I had a cinnamon roll right now-- they are my favorite!

  5. Yes to the last one haha! So true! Have a great weekend. :)

  6. HAHA! That meme is so awesome! Happy Friday, friend!

  7. Sometimes I go around work saying that meme in my head! Haha!!! Happy Friday, dear friend!

  8. That meme! Hahaha! Your cinnamon roll made me hungry. I'm really wishing I had one right now.

  9. I have done that with my phone before too! Then I forget all about texting back. I definitely think that taking the pup for a walk counts as being social ;D

  10. The Ags won AND you had cinnamon rolls?! Sounds pretty epic to me!

  11. Haha I love these posts! My husband and I do those types of challenges sometimes too. He's a HUGE football fan so on occasion, he'll have me name as many football teams as I can and if I can name the amount he chooses, then I get to choose what's for dinner :)

  12. DUDE I AM SO OBSESSED WITH PLL (pretty little liars!)
    like obsessed!

  13. I am terrible about replying to texts, too. And my dad drilled all the Air Force planes into my head when I was a kid. These days, I'm a bit rusty.

  14. I am horrible with texting back too. It's really awful. And PLL is a time sucker. You just cannot stop.

  15. This is my little girl in your blog♡ thank you for using it! -AvaKModeling


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