House Tour: Fall Tablescape | Anchors Aweigh


September 9, 2015

House Tour: Fall Tablescape

Happy Fall, yall! Even though this 90 degree weather doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon and my friends in Texas are sweating their hineys off in the triple digits, the Fall season is upon us! I am a summer girl through and through, but Fall is easily my second favorite season. Pumpkin everything, leaves changing, beautiful weather... it's a great season to be alive.

I've always wanted to do a tablescape but have never really gotten around to it. Now that we are decorating our new home exactly how we want it, I decided a Fall table was in order. My mother in law has quite the eye for decorating and helped me pick out a few pieces during her visit in August

We were able to use our regular plates and the napkins and napkin rings we registered for for our wedding 4+ years ago... thank you Bed Bath & Beyond for never changing out your inventory! I am so so pleased with how it turned out, and sometimes I just walk downstairs to stare at it.

Placemats: Bed Bath & Beyond
Chargers: Hobby Lobby
Plates: Dillards, old
Napkins: Bed Bath & Beyond
Napkin Rings: Bed Bath & Beyond
Three-Candle Centerpiece: Gift
Decorative Pumpkins: Hobby Lobby
Individual Candles: Bed Bath & Beyond, old

Previously Featured House Tours:


  1. Where is your table from? I LOVE it! I love fall also!!

  2. Absolutely love this! So fall, so cute! I can't wait to do this when I have a bigger table and more room!

  3. Looks super cute!!! I'm ready for fall too, but unfortunately we're having triple digit weather here in Southern California too!

  4. Your table is gorgeous, great job!!! I am decorating for fall this weekend and I can't wait!! Now if the temps would drop into the 60s...

  5. i freaking love the pumpkins!

  6. Oh girl! I love it so much!!!!! I can't wait until we decorate our table. I'm hoping to have it decorated for Christmas this year!

  7. I love this! I wish I could keep out table like this all the time but our cat would have a field day haha.

  8. How adorable! Makes me want to come over for dinner :)

  9. Super cute! I really want to do a cute fall-themed tablescape now :D

  10. So cute! I need to clean all the mail off my table before I can decorate, haha.

  11. I love it! It's so beautiful and put together really well.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  12. I love it! So cute! We can't do anything with our dining room table because the cats just love to run across it and slide on the tablecloth... so everything would be broken, haha. We spray them with a water bottle when we catch them doing it, but I have evidence of them running wild when we're not home too!

  13. I love this. My family is coming over for dinner on Sunday, so creating a table landscape is on my list of things to do!


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