Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


September 10, 2015

Life Lately

It's been a couple of weeks since I did a "life lately" post, so today seemed like as good a day as any to pick up where we left off. We have been savoring the last bits of Summer and getting excited about Fall! So here's a look according to my iPhone and Instagram of what life has looked like lately...

Well, that pilot husband of mine has been flying an awful lot. He truly is living his dream, so it makes those evenings and weekends alone worth it. He did a cross country to the motherland (Texas, of course) a couple of weekends ago and came back with some pretty sweet videos and pictures. Not a bad life! 

These are my favorite selfies to receive.

While he was away, Jenny and I had a girls weekend. I actually planned to have a total "me" weekend but ended up spending most of it with friends. Definitely blessed with a great military community! I also never really feel alone since my best girlfriend is always with me. She's clearly over it. 

I snapped this picture a few days ago. We prayed that God would put us in the right neighborhood when we were buying a house and really hoped for a sense of community. We couldn't have picked a better location if we tried. Friends and babies and dogs... pure bliss. Also, Jenny stole the toy she is chewing on right out of a baby's hand, so there's that. 

College football season is officially underway, and we were beside ourselves to watch the Aggies take on Arizona State. It was a great game, and they came out victorious! Thank you Jesus for a defense. We haven't had one of those in a while. Tis the season where football party food is an acceptable dinner!

We are cereal people 360 days out of the year, so a proper breakfast was worth documenting. Breakfast dates with this guy are my favorite, and he was elated to find we were consuming real bacon. I usually buy the turkey bacon for health reasons but apparently this was a special occasion!

I treated myself to a Target run and naturally bought all the $1 notecards they had. I'll use these one day and THEY WERE $1! Enough said.

That's life lately!


  1. Target's $1 section gets me every time. Every.Single.Time. I always buy the turkey bacon, too! Glad y'all love your neighborhood, that is such a blessing!! :)

  2. I wish Kyle was a cereal eater but he just won't do it, it's my favorite!

  3. I have been a $1 notecard hoarder for YEARS! I found some cute ones at Walmart for like 30 cents and I bought like 20 packages. But now I finally have a reason to write cute notecards! Yay!

  4. That food looks awesome.

    Target has fabulous things.

  5. I always see people sharing what they found in the dollar spot at Target, but ours never has any of the cool stuff! :( I'll have to check for notecards! I always look when I go there but rarely find anything.

  6. Mac was kind enough to leave me two full hampers when he left for his last deployment. And I love finding good seasonal stuff in the seasonal aisles of Target. Our dollar section tends to be picked over, so I look there now.

  7. So fun. It must be so nice to have people around who understand what you are going through when Parker is away.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. I rarely make it out of Target without stationary. Those are soooo cute!


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