Saving Money 101: 10 Things You Should Buy At Dollar Tree | Anchors Aweigh


September 14, 2015

Saving Money 101: 10 Things You Should Buy At Dollar Tree

If you know me, you know I love a good deal. You won't ever see me on Extreme Couponing (mad respect for people who have that much patience), but I love to save a dollar where I can. I've figured out some of the best places to buy things on the cheap, so I thought it was time I share my tips and tricks with you all. One place you can get a killer deal: Dollar Tree. 

While I wouldn't necessarily buy everything from Dollar Tree (the $1 steaks leave me a little uneasy), there are some things you definitely should be buying. So today, I'm sharing my 10 favorite things to purchase at Dollar Tree.

1. Greeting Cards- If you only listen to one item on this list, make it this one. Greeting cards can be upwards of $5, which is a little excessive considering people read them once and stow them away forever after. We purchase all birthday cards from Dollar Tree, and some of them are even 50 cents. 50 cents!! They have a great selection too. 

2. Halloween Candy- Why oh why is Halloween candy so expensive? If you live amidst a lot of kiddos, you could easily spend $100 on Halloween candy. Or, you could buy 10 large bags of Halloween candy for $10 and call it a day. 

3. Seasonal Items- I actually have a good friend who is a buyer for seasonal items at Dollar Tree, and they have a really good selection. You may still need to purchase a few items at Hobby Lobby, but if you're in the need for some cheap holiday decor, check out Dollar Tree.

4. Packaging Supplies- I just discovered this one and am so glad I did. You can purchase boxes and bubble envelopes from Dollar Tree for half the cost you would spend at the post office.

5. Gift Wrap- Let's face it: Nobody wants to spend $10 on a gift bag and tissue paper after they buy a present. It's just going to get discarded anyway, so buy it on the cheap at Dollar Tree. 

6. Toothbrushes & Toothpaste- Colgate and Crest toothpaste for $1? Yes, it's true!

7. Picture Frames for Crafting or Gallery Walls- If you're just going to spray paint the picture frame or use it for crafting, buy it at Dollar Tree.

8. Plastic Storage Bins- If you're looking to organize your pantry or a closet, you can buy these little plastic bins for a fraction of what they would cost at The Container Store.

9. Cleaning Supplies- This is a broad one, but you can buy all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, scrubbers, and the like all for $1. Glass cleaner is glass cleaner, so you might as well buy it on the cheap. 

10. Paper Towels- If you're like me, paper towels are your most used hoousehold product. We go through rolls by the truckload, but I don't feel too guilty about that since I can get them for $1.

So there you go! Just some money saving tips from one frugal noodle to another. What are your favorite tips to save a few bucks?


  1. These are some great tips!! I use dollar tree for the packages that I send to my soldiers as it allows me to purchase more items and at a cost that I can afford! Love your list!
    :) Rebecca

  2. I love Dollar Tree!! I always go there for cheap holiday decorations and tupperware containers! Do you watch Portlandia? There is an episode in season 5 where they try and find a model for the dollar store- it's pretty funny!

  3. I LOVE the Dollar Tree! I always find cute little cards and such there. And holiday decor! You didn't mention one that I personally have never bought (LOL) but will buy in the future (someday!)-- pregnancy tests!!!! I read an article online about how they're regulated just like any other pregnancy test through the FDA I think. Anyway, according to Google lots of women used Dollar Tree pregnancy tests and they were 100% accurate!

  4. The Dollar Tree is awesome!

    I coupon, but I could never extreme coupon either. I don't have the patience.

  5. I love Dollar stores they really are the best especially for greeting cards.

  6. I love the dollar store! My mom taught my sister and I from a very young age how much you can get there!

  7. We love Dollar Tree too! Dan loves their greeting cards... I like the candy. :) But really - some of the stuff there is great! We do use some of the cleaning products as well!

  8. I buy and spray paint the frames all the time- LOVE the dollar tree!

  9. I buy tin foil at the Dollar Tree. And then I spend $20 more on stuff I really didn't need.


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