September Goals | Anchors Aweigh


September 1, 2015

September Goals

It's September... what?! I have all things Fall, pumpkin, and football on the brain, and I'm not mad about it. These goal posts have really kept me motivated to get my rear in gear and cross some things off that to-do list. 

Before I write out my goals for September, let's see how August's goals shaped out...

1. Update the Recipes tab on my blog. Done! I gave it a fresh new look and added every recipe I've ever posted. I love the way it came out, and it will be soooo much easier to update throughout the week. If you're in need of new meal ideas, feel free to check out my Recipes tab! :)

2. Find Aggie yard art. Done! These Aggies are ready for the first fightin' Texas Aggie football game this weekend!

3. Decorate the porch for Fall. Fail...ish. We got new porch furniture that I am in love with, but Fall decorations did not take place. Maybe next month.

4. Do 1000 push-ups. Done! I am really proud to have accomplished this one, and I can tell a small difference in my arms already. I may or may not have had to do 100 on the 31st just to complete this goal, but I completed it!

5. Find curtains for the downstairs windows. Seriously. Done! It was no easy fete, but I absolutely love what we chose. We decided on this curtain from Bed Bath & Beyond in the Raffia color. We love it!

And now for September's goals (Seriously, September?! Where did this year go?)...

1. Do a gallery wall for my office. I've decided I want to display more pictures throughout the house and love the idea of a gallery wall in my office. I have the frames, so now it's a matter of hanging them. #hardestpart 

2. Host a football party. It's Aggie football season, and we need to celebrate!

3. Get a haircut. I'm a terrible girl in this aspect. I am pretty low maintenance about my hair and get it cut about once every 6-8 months. I've never dyed it and usually get the same cut. Boring, party of one. But, it's time for my semi-annual trim! 

4. Do 2000 crunches. This seems really ambitious. I'll give it the old college try. 

5. Write 5 handwritten notes. There is not much better than receiving fun notes in the mail. I have more cute notecards from the Target dollar section than I know what to do with, so this month, I want to utilize good old fashioned snail mail and hopefully make someone's day with a little handwritten note. 

What are your goals for this month?


  1. Congrats on reaching most of your August goals! That's awesome! :) Good luck with September... a football party sounds like so much fun! None of our friends here are really into football... so it's tough really getting into it. I guess I can just throw a party for Dan and me with lots of yummy tailgate food! haha!

  2. Your living room is beautiful!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. Okay so we are on the same brainwave with our posts today! Way to go on your August goals!

  4. I just sent you a message on FB :)

  5. Great job on your August goals, I absolutely love your living room!

  6. I LOVE those curtains!! They look so good in there. 1000 push-ups?! Seriously don't even think I can do 5 lol. We are wanting to do a gallery wall in our hallway and I'm pretty pumped about it! I AM THE SAME EXACT WAY ABOUT MY HAIR. Never had it dyed, hi-lighted or anything like that. The most I've done is had layers lol I'm pretty boring when it comes to my hair, too! No problem with it though! Great September goals!! :)

  7. I can't WAIT for Aggie football to start, just a few more days!!!

  8. Your living room looks great. The colors really work together.

  9. I love your living room! So airy! I don't cut my hair very often either. Long hair don't care. However, I am chopping it off to donate this weekend which does require a little more maintenance.


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