Hawkeye Greyhound Ball 2015 | Anchors Aweigh


October 15, 2015

Hawkeye Greyhound Ball 2015

This past weekend was our annual Navy ball! I always get so excited when October rolls around because that means it's the month of the ball! We have attended various formats of the ball each year, but they are always so much fun. In the earlier years (and before Parker officially commissioned), we attended the Navy Marine Corps Birthday Ball. These past two years, we have attended the Hawkeye Greyhound Ball. This ball is specifically for E-2 and C-2 pilots, so it's a little more intimate and you end up knowing more people. 

We always have fun at these things, but this one definitely ranks at the top of the list. It was just a blast with each other and friends that we love. 

I recycled an old bridesmaid dress and Parker of course wore his uniform. Is there anything better than a man in a uniform? He looked handsome as always!

The Commodore kept the speech portion of the evening short and sweet compared to previous years, and for that, I was grateful. 

We had a fun group at our table, including my DG friend Elly! We were both Delta Gammas at different colleges and jumped on the opportunity to take a DG picture together. Those opportunities are few and far between in the post grad days!

Hanging out with our friends Andrew and Katy is always a good time. Parker snapped this picture below... and then 25 more just like it. Have you ever given your phone to someone to snap a picture and they just keep snapping?? Said someone will not be your favorite after those antics. That husband was on my list after that stunt. Good thing he's cute.

One last picture before we changed into our after party attire. I have mixed feelings of changing for the dance portion. On the one hand, you spent so much time getting all dolled up and bought a nice dress, so you want to stay in it as long as possible. On the other hand, said nice dress is rarely very comfortable, and you welcome the excuse to change clothes. So long, fancy clothes...

It's party time! This year's theme was black light/rave, so we wore all black and a semi-obnoxious amount of glow sticks. Yall, I am hear to tell you we have been attending dance parties all wrong. Looking cute is overrated, and after dancing the night away in nike shorts and bright pink sneakers, I may never go back. Dancing and comfy clothes go together like peas and carrots. I'm pretty sure that's what Forrest meant to say.

It was a wonderful evening spent with friends and my favorite forever date. We didn't want it to end! Just for grins, I put together a little collage from past Navy balls. Can't wait to add more to this list!


  1. I LOVE your dress!!! That all looks so much fun :)

  2. You look gorgeous lady!! Love these pictures- it looks like it was such a fun night!! ALSO I love that collage at the bottom - so fun to see all of those years!!
    :) Rebecca

  3. Looks like so much fun and as always you looked stunning!! I love seeing all the pictures from over the years!!

  4. this looks like an absolute blast - and i would totally change for the dance portion too! (sweaty in a gown is never fun!) but you look gorgeous in both outfits!

  5. You've got me even more excited for our Navy ball on Saturday now :) Love that collage! Wow- 9 years!!

  6. SO SWEET! Love the collage you made at the end!! Glad y'all had a good time, your dress is gorgeous!

  7. You looked beautiful!!! I love your dress. :)

  8. Wait, you dress up all nice only to change clothes for the dancing? I think my heart just broke. PS You look cute!

  9. You look absolutely stunning in all the photos!

  10. You look absolutely stunning! I love the collage of balls that you two have attended -- so fun!

  11. Gorgeous dress! It looks like you two had such a great time! I'm so sad Zack and I can't attend the ball together this year with him being overseas. I'm already in the process of picking out my dress for next year.

  12. That is so much fun! I agree that dances should be done in shorts and tshirt, but y'all looked great. I haven't heard of balls though where you change clothes. That is pretty cool in my opinion!

  13. How fun! I love that you changed into fun attire... never heard of that before, but it sounds way more comfortable! :)


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