House Tour: Home Office Reading Nook | Anchors Aweigh


October 7, 2015

House Tour: Home Office Reading Nook

In keeping with the theme of showing one piece of our home at a time, today I want to share pictures of my very own little reading nook! When we moved to the new house, I knew I would get my own room for my office. I work from home, so this room truly is an office where I spend most of my time during the work week. I wanted it to be inviting and a place I actually enjoyed looking at.

Since a desk only takes up so much room, I decided to create a reading nook. It's a place to sit if anyone comes into the room but also a place where I can curl up for a few minutes and escape with a good book. When it's been a long day, few things sound better than that!

When I thought about what I wanted my reading nook to look like, I knew I wanted a chaise lounge. I like the look, and I like how they can easily be pushed against a wall so as to not take up too much space. The only problem? The price. Apparently, chaise lounges are expensive! Who knew? I scoured the interwebs for a deal on something cute with next to no luck. If I fell in love with something, it was $1000+. Those prices made my cheap little heart pitter patter a bit faster than normal!

I finally found something on that I really liked. It was the color I wanted and the look I was going for, and it came in right around $240. Compared to my other options, I thought this was a steal! Free 2-day shipping tipped me over the edge, and I couldn't help but purchase the darn thing. It also has a storage compartment in the bottom, which is a nice added amenity. It has proven to be an excellent buy!

I was feeling all "I am a strong, independent woman" and decided to assemble it myself. I didn't want to burden Parker with it, but I really probably should have. I assembled it all by myself, but the bottom sections don't quite match up where the studs meet. This actually doesn't bother me at all. It's a nice little reminder that I tried my best and should leave the man's work to the man next time. I'm sure I could try to fix it if I really wanted to, but that sounds like way too much effort. 

The canvas paintings hanging over the chaise lounge are Homegoods finds. They look so Parisian and chic, which is really not me at all, but I totally love them. I've never been to Paris and you will rarely find me in heels, but these little canvases just make me happy! I bought them when my little sister visited me, so they also remind me of her. They are a bit outside of my decorating comfort zone, and I wouldn't have purchased them had she not given me a little sisterly encouragement, so I love them for that reason too!

The pillows and blanket were bought after the canvas paintings. The colors are so complimentary and exactly what I was looking for! The rest of my office is done in neutrals (mostly whites and grays), so this little reading nook is my pop of color. 

Chaise Lounge: (similar)
Pillows: Target
Blanket: Homegoods
Canvases: Homegoods

Previous House Tours:


  1. I love it! The wall art is beautiful.. Perfect choice with the pillows too!!


  2. Oh girl, I love that!! Looks so cozy and the perfect place to be when you have a rainy day (even a non rainy day lol). Love the canvases with it, too!

  3. That makes me want to just come over and read for days :). I love it.

  4. Your little reading nook looks so chic! I love it!

  5. Looks like a great place to relax!!

  6. Oh I love this, it's so calming.

  7. What a precious place to sit and read!

  8. Wow! I love this! I would totally come over and read in that corner! P.S. How are you liking Paper Towns?

  9. I love this chaise lounge. Who knew they were expensive. I want a reading area so bad. I love what you did with everything.

  10. This is such a cute little nook! I've always wanted one of these in my office :)

  11. Very cute!

  12. Very Cute!

  13. Love that chaise lounge!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  14. Why have I never thought of getting a chaise for a reading nook!? It's genius and so perfect! I was looking maybe a recliner, but I think you've convinced me to switch to searching for a chaise instead.

  15. So cute! Thanks for sharing your home with us.


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