#ihadamiscarriage | Anchors Aweigh


October 22, 2015


October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. They really do have a month/day for everything, don't they? Contrary to my feeling for all the national food days, I actually love that this has its own month. I think it's probably helpful and therapeutic to some of the angel mamas out there.

The heartbreaking truth is that 1 in 4 women will have a miscarriage. It's a scary statistic until it happens to you. Then, it's a nightmarish reality.

I was nervous my entire first trimester carrying our little girl for fear of miscarriage. After I passed that 12 week mark, I thought I was really going to have a baby. I had passed the danger zone and was ready to do this. If you've been around this blog for any length of time, you know we lost our baby girl halfway through the pregnancy.

Tomorrow marks 11 months since Taylor Grace went to Heaven, and I won't lie and say the pain has gone away. One thing I can honestly say is that it helped me to know I wasn't alone. The support and encouragement of other angel mamas is something that comforted me in this journey more than almost anything else. They got it. They knew what I was going through because they had to go through it too.

I've seen a lot of people across the interwebs encouraging those who have lost babies to "speak out" this month. Stop hiding and start talking about it, they say. While I like that there is a month to remember the babies we have lost, I think we might be missing the point here.

I touched on grief in an earlier blog post. You can read it here if you'd like, but the punchline is that everyone grieves differently. Not everyone wants to plaster their story all over the Internet for hundreds of strangers to read. Whether you tell the world or tell no one, that's your call.

For any mamas who have miscarried their babies, this post is to remind you that you are not alone. I want you to feel uplifted during this month rather than pressured. So many before us and so many after us have and will live this same devastating reality. It helps me to remember I am not all by myself in this. I hope that will bring comfort and relief to other women out there who have lost babies too!



  1. Praying for you and Parker in a special way today and tomorrow!!! <3

  2. Thank you for continuing to share your story and bring awareness to something that isn't easy to talk about <3 thinking of you guys.

  3. Praying for you, sweet girl! Your heart is truly amazing and I love that you are encouraging other women to do what's best for them - to talk or not to talk. It's oh so true, and I'm glad you're reminding them of that today!

  4. As always sending my love to you guys! You are an inspiration.

  5. Thinking of you girl - one day you will all be reunited <3

  6. Thank you for sharing your story. I have never dealt with heartache like this firsthand, but this month I think more about my sister whom my mom miscarried at 8 months. I always wonder who she would be today. She would have been 16 this year.

  7. As always, you say everything so eloquently. Prayers to your family once again!

  8. Praying for you! I think it's wonderful (as odd as that is to say) that more women are speaking out about their losses. There's a certain solidarity and support in sorrow.


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