Pickin' Pumpkins 2015 | Anchors Aweigh


October 26, 2015

Pickin' Pumpkins 2015

My natural inclination is to start this post out with "Isn't Fall amazing?!", but I think I've been doing that a lot lately, so I'll refrain. Seriously though, Parker and I are absolutely loving this season! We are trying to be outside as much as possible while the weather is so perfect and the air is so crisp, which means long walks, runs, and golf days have been the norm around here.

One thing I wanted to make sure we did before the season passed was visit a pumpkin patch. It's a Fall must, and even though I'd already bought a bunch of pumpkins from the grocery store, we needed to pick at least one from the pumpkin patch. 

Thankfully a couple of our friends were equally enthused about the trip, so off we all went to the pumpkin patch! If you know me, you know I love Texas more than anywhere else in the world. Around here, we call it "the motherland". That said, Virginia does pumpkin patches better. Way better. Neither Parker nor I had ever actually picked a pumpkin off of a vine until yesterday! It was way cool!

We chose Cullipher Farms Pumpkin Patch for any local friends with a corn maze, sunflower maze, hayride, and of course pumpkin picking. It was definitely worth the little trek it took to get over there! Our friends took pictures of all of us on their nice camera and I only pulled the iPhone out at the end, but I did snap a few pictures to share! This is one of those fun Fall memories that I just want to remember. 

We set out to pick ugly pumpkins that no one else would want so that they could fulfill their holiday destiny, but I couldn't resist the beautiful white pumpkins. There was something so adorable about them that one had to come home with me. 

Parker stuck to the original plan and picked a nice green/grey one. Not most people's first choice, but it is a beautiful little pumpkin to us! I set them both on our kitchen counter and love how they compliment each other! It was fun trekking through the entire patch to pick the perfect pumpkin. 

The farm also had their own peach cider and apple cider for sale, so we each bought a bottle to try. We saved the peach and both agree the apple cider was probably the best apple cider we have ever had! After drinking about half the bottle, I had to stop on account of the sugar headache, but it was worth it! Pumpkin patches and apple cider... pure bliss.

It was such a fun way to spend the Sunday, and I am so glad we made time to go this year! 


  1. that looks like a blast! I love pumpkin patches :)

  2. I LOVE when places have not only pumpkins but their own drinks/jams/etc! :)

  3. What a blast!! That definitely looks and sounds wayyy better than the pumpkin patches here in Texas. We should really get our act together! We went to one a few weeks ago outside of Austin and were highly disappointed. Your Sunday sounds seriously amazing!

  4. Cute outfit!! We didn't make it to a pumpkin patch this year but found a few nice pumpkins at the grocery store that will have to do lol. Fingers crossed we make it to one next year though!! I have never been to a pumpkin patch where you pick it off the vine yourself, that sounds so fun! Glad y'all had a good time :)

  5. I love your outfit, it's super cute!

  6. I grew up picking pumpkins off the vine because my Papaw had a garden. I forgot about it until Andy and I went pumpkin picking a few weeks ago!

  7. Picking pumpkins is such a fun fall activity! Our family did this last weekend and finally got out our pumpkin carved this weekend! Love fall! If only the temps would stay in the mid to low 70s all year round!!


  8. That scarf is awesome! Looks like y'all had a blast! I'm hoping that I can make it the pumpkin patch this year, seeing as we've been so busy with house buying and work...I can't believe I haven't made it to one though...booo!

  9. I miss fall and pumpkin patches! So glad you got to experience one :)

  10. I had never been to a real pumpkin patch until we lived in Massachusetts either!

  11. There's nothing like real pumpkin picking! When Spencer's older next year, I can't wait to share the fun of it with him. Love your pumpkin choices, and your outfit is just adorable - as per usual.

    PS - Save me some of that cider! Mmmm

  12. You looks so cute and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. The pumpkin patch we went to didn't have apple cider. I guess I'll have to buy some at the grocery store.

  14. How fun!! I love the little white pumpkin! :)


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