Recent Reads: October | Anchors Aweigh


October 28, 2015

Recent Reads: October

It's book day! Reading is just more fun when I know I get to share my reads with you and get awesome suggestions for the future. Since I flew to Texas this month, I had plenty of time to relax and knock out some light reading. I used to dread flying, but now I kind of look forward to the uninterrupted time to curl up (or sit up straight for 3 hours) and read. I read 4 very different books this month, so let's jump right in!

The Heist
by Janet Evanovich 

This is my first book by Janet Evanovich, but I really want to read her hit "One for the Money" after reading this. FBI agent Katie has been after con artist Nick for years, but he is always one step ahead of her. She finally catches him, only to find out the FBI wants them to team up and use their skills to perform an undercover opp to expose even bigger con artists. Both characters are brilliant and quick, and the story is a fun one to read. I definitely recommend adding this book to your night stand!

Practice Makes Perfect
by Julie James

For some reason, I almost always love books centered around a main female character that is a lawyer. Lawyers are fascinating and hard-working, and the job just works in chick lit. Payton and JD are incredibly motivated, successful lawyers at their firm. They have driven each other absolutely nuts over the years and are both used to coming out on top. When they have to join forces for a major case and find out only one of them will make partner, they have no choice but to make it work. The characters were really well written, and it's a quick, fun read. This is probably my favorite book I read this month!

Girl at War
by Sara Novic

I had a craving for some good historical fiction this month (Can you crave books? Anyway...), so I chose Girl at War. It was exactly what I was hoping to read! It's the story of Ana, a Croatian girl who lives through genocide as civil war breaks out across Yugoslavia. Ten years later, Ana is living in New York but hiding the past that threw her world into a tailspin from everyone she loves. She returns alone to Croatia and must face the horror she once lived through. The story was raw and real, and I recommend it if historical fiction is your thing. 

Daddy Flies
by Brye Butler Steeves

This it a children's book I received from the author, a fellow pilot wife. Even though it's written for kiddos, I was excited to read it and own a copy for future Phelps children. This book chronicles a little girl's thought process as she tries to figure out what it means when people say "Daddy flies". It's sweet, adorable, and fun for young children and toddlers. If your husband is a military pilot, this would be a great book to read to your kiddos at bedtime! You can find it on Amazon here and email the author here.  

That's it for October! Have you read anything wonderful lately?


  1. I've heard amazing things about Girl At War, it's definitely on my list.

  2. I love your book reviews! Thanks for keeping us in the loop on some awesome reads :-)

  3. I have totally been slacking in reading books this month! And I have only 100 sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read.

  4. Definitely adding Girl at War to my list! I love historical fiction.

  5. Nice!

    I also got to review Daddy Flies and really enjoyed it.

  6. Girl at War sounds like my kind of book!

  7. Oh I need to check out Girl at War! I have a running list of all the books I want to read so this post made me so happy :)

  8. Oh, craving books is a real thing!!! ;-)

    I recently added Girl at War to my to-read list... it sounds right up my alley. If you liked it, you should look into Zlata's Diary. :)

    I also received a copy of Daddy Flies and can't wait to review it!! :)

  9. The Heist was such a good book! I have read the rest of the books in the series and have loved them too. They are such a fun read!


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