DIY Pine Cone Place Settings + Giving Back | Anchors Aweigh


November 16, 2015

DIY Pine Cone Place Settings + Giving Back

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GiveHappiness #CollectiveBias

There is something so special about this time of year. It's a time to be thankful for what we have and grateful for the ones here to share it with us. November just makes me want to hug loved ones a little tighter and make sure they know how treasured they are. 

I try to translate that attitude to my hosting as well. When we have friends over, I want them to feel special and well taken care of. Tis the season to love on each other! For special dinners this season, I decided to create an inexpensive DIY place setting for each guest. I love how these turned out so much that I thought I would share it with all of you!

All you need are pine cones, spray paint of your choice, card stock, and a marker. If you live in a seasonal place, take a walk outside and pick up some pine cones. They're free that way! ;)

Next, spray paint your pine cones. I chose a metallic silver, but gold would be really pretty as well! Spray paint one side, let dry, and flip them over to spray paint the back. The spray paint dries really quickly, so this is a 10-15 minutes initiative, max.

Cut out small rectangles of card stock and write the names of your guests on each piece. Gently slide the card stock into the groove of your pinecone, and BAM! You're done! Now step back and admire your beautiful work. 

In the spirit of all gathering around the table to share a meal together, I wanted to share a fun little tradition we do with Parker's family each year called "bless someone". We are each given $50 to bless someone each holiday season. How we choose to bless someone is up to us. We can bless friends or complete strangers, publicly or anonymously. We then all gather together over a meal and share how we used our money. 

This is one of the things I most look forward to each year. It's such a gift to know you made a difference for someone, somewhere, somehow. Before our big "bless someone" tradition with the whole family, Parker and I decided to have a quiet meal just the two of us and talk about the year's blessings and how we could pay it forward to others. 

I wanted the evening to be low stress and simple, so rather than slave over a hot stove and spend the entire meal in the kitchen stirring something, I purchased a prepared meal from the Walmart Deli and a couple of Coca-Cola's. I couldn't think of a more fitting meal to discuss blessing others, and here's why: This year Coca-Cola at Walmart has teamed up with The Salvation Army. Every Walmart Deli prepared meal with Coca Cola purchased in November and December will support Coca-Cola at Walmart in providing a meal to families through The Salvation Army. Families in need will be able to enjoy the holidays together over a warm meal!

I love that by purchasing a meal for my family, I get to feed someone else's family. Parker and I had so much fun on our little date night in, just talking and laughing and realizing how truly grateful we were for what we have. Not to mention, I didn't have to cook. Aren't the best kinds of meals those you don't have to make? I think yes!

If you want to bless someone this year, Coca-Cola and the Walmart Deli have provided a great avenue to do so! Just look for the below products at your local Walmart.

I invite you to help also families in need by using the hashtag #GiveHappiness to show a picture of your own family enjoying Coca-Cola and a prepared meal from the Walmart Deli. You'll be spreading awareness about the program and inspiring others to help families in need. Plus, you'll be enjoying a delicious meal that you didn't have to cook. It's a win win!

Do you have any family traditions that involve giving back? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. This is such a cute idea! I love anything that utilizes pine cones.

  2. I did pine cones for our place settings too! Mine are a little different though. :)

  3. I love the pine cone setting idea! And my family picks up rotisserie chickens at Walmart quite often!


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