Friday Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


November 6, 2015

Friday Confessions

Is it just me, or did this week fly by faster than most? All of the weeks seem to fly by these days, but I am scratching my head at how we got to Friday so quickly. Definitely not complaining though! Another weekend is upon us, so here's what's been going on in our neck of the woods...

I confess... I am slightly obsessed with this puffer vest I snagged from Old Navy. Although it's been in the 70s this week and absolutely beautiful, I don't mind that cooler weather is upon us because I get to wear this thing. Go getcha one!

I confess... Parker and I finished all of the seasons of Parks & Rec. Say it isn't so! We will miss Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope in our lives! We are looking for another 30 minute show to start. We are thinking Modern Family... suggestions?

I confess... The game Taboo will test your marriage. Parker and I are very competitive, so it helps when we are on the same team. We played with a couple of close friends earlier this week, and at one point or another, we all had to remind each other that we were just having fun. Good grief. It's such a blast though!

I confess... I created a reading nook in my office that might as well be "Jenny's daytime spot". Girlfriend spends a lot of time there waiting for me to finish working. I love looking over and seeing her sweet face!

I confess... I bought my first Christmas present for someone this week! Buying one is like a drug. Now all I want to do is buy the rest, listen to Christmas music, and decorate that tree. Patience, patience. 

I hope you all have a great weekend! Happy Friday!


  1. Love that lounger! and I'm the same way with Christmas, once November 1st hits, I want all things Christmas!

  2. "Oh, you thought this reading nook was for you? No, Mom, it's actually for me." - Jenny

  3. We are so competitive about games too... we LOVE being on the same team instead of playing against each other!

  4. The Office! Ryan and I just finished the entire series (we decided to rewatch the entire series) and I'm so sad it's over!

    Also, Sophia bought a vest at Old Navy when she was here and now you have one and I'm thinking...I need one too. Cute!

  5. Oh yes Modern Family is a must!! I agree the week flew by, but I'm with you, no complaints! Happy weekend :-)

  6. I have that same vest and I absolutely love it! It's super comfortable. :)

  7. Modern Family, The Middle, and Last Man Standing are wonderful!

  8. I am almost done with my Christmas shopping! I have just one present left to get.

  9. I have been meaning to start Parks and Rec but there's so many shows on right now! Maybe during the "winter hiatus" I'll give it a go. Also, I need a vest! So cute!

  10. Love the reading nook! I am on season 2 of Parks and Rec.

  11. I had a great time rewatching the Arrested Development series. Its great if you're into silly/funny/ridiculous humor. Great blog by the way!

  12. Back in college, my family played Taboo. My dad and I were on a team together. We got into a fight and didn't talk for a week.


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