How To Organize Your Purse in 5 Minutes | Anchors Aweigh


November 1, 2015

How To Organize Your Purse in 5 Minutes

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BeHealthyForEveryPartofLife #CollectiveBias

Growing up, we used to tease my mom all the time for her absurdly heavy purse. Now, my husband teases me for mine. Things really do come full circle when you become an adult. It's fun stuff. In all seriousness, I am overdue for a serious purse intervention. My purse is a glorified junk bag that holds all sorts of useful and completely useless things alike. It's a little ridiculous. Well friends, I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns and face this purse problem once and for all. Since I don't think I am alone in this back-breaking purse conundrum, I have developed a system to get that purse organized and under control in just 5 minutes. Let's get to it!

For comparison, I decided to weigh my purse before and after the intense organization. I am horrified to announce that this sucker weighed 17 pounds starting out. 17! No wonder my back hurts after a day of shopping. Good grief. 

First things first, dump everything out. This step might have you running away in terror, but don't. We've got this! Go from this...

to this...

Now for the fun part. We are going to divide our "purse junk" into categories. Your categories will really depend on the contents of your purse. You also may find some odd items in your purse. My weirdest item? Socks. It seems strange, but hear me out. Parker and I love going to the movie theater, but during Summer I am always in sandals. Since the movie theaters are so cold, I keep a spare pair of socks in my purse so I can be theater ready! It's silly until you're freezing and that pair of socks becomes your most coveted possession.

One of your categories should be trash. This pile is for the candy wrappers, old grocery lists, expired coupons, etc.

I also gathered all of the loose change hanging out in the bottom of my purse to transfer it to my wallet. Easy peasy.

Another category for me was pens. Why did I feel the need to have 10+ pens in my purse? Who knows. I kept 2, and the rest went into my desk.

I also had 3 cereal bars and 2 water bottles. I condensed to 1 water bottle and 1 cereal bar.

There will also be items in there that you were "storing until you got home" or something to that effect. You're home now, so go put them in their proper place.

Lastly, I kept 2 lip glosses, a hand sanitizer, and tossed the rest of the cosmetics back in the make-up bag.

Now that I pared it down to the necessities, I added a few new essentials to go along with it. I am all about being healthy and really don't have time to be sick (who does?!), so I nabbed a few new items on my latest Walmart run. I chose Emergen-C Immune+ Chewables for immune support, an Advil Tablet Vial for headaches (nothing's stronger, longer lasting, or better on your tough aches and pains than Advil, and nothing works on more pains than Advil (among OTC pain relievers)), and Centrum VitaMints. New Centrum VitaMints are adult multivitamins with a refreshingly minty taste that you can take/enjoy any time of day with or without food or water.

Thanks to my organization session, my purse is lighter, cleaner, and carries only the essentials. I weighed my newly organized purse, and I am pleased to announce that it is now only 6 pounds. Phew! That's more like it.

If you're in the market for a purse makeover (let's face it, we all are), follow the steps above and head to Walmart for some Pfizer purse essentials like ChapStick Total Hydration, Advil Tablet Vial, and Emergen-C Immune+ Chewables. Here's where I found mine...

Happy organizing!


  1. that could be why my purse is making my back hurt, so I am off to organize my purse, my purse watched everything even hubby's stuff, if he has a water bottle, it is in my purse, phew, so heavy

  2. My first thought was "socks?". Makes sense though!

  3. How I organize my purse is dump all the contents out, grab what I need and deal with the junk later! Usually my purse contains an overload of receipts because I throw them in there and forget about them.

  4. My purse is always such a mess. For some reason, I only ever feel like organizing it when I travel... so when I'm packing my bags, I dump everything out and keep only what I need in there. I guess I should probably make that a weekly thing, hahah

  5. I always have snacks and wipes, which my co-workers always make fun of me until they need to clean up a spill. But I agree that it is easy for it to become absurd.


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