I Get By With A Little Help From My Girls | Anchors Aweigh


November 24, 2015

I Get By With A Little Help From My Girls

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GiftingAMemory #CollectiveBias

When Parker and I started this military journey, we were brand new babies in a foreign land. And by "babies", I mean 22. And by "foreign land", I mean Florida. 

So that first sentence was a stretch. Moving on...

In all seriousness, we had been uprooted from the comforts of the motherland, aka Texas, into a new place where we knew very few people. Not to mention, we went from the chill college life to the "hurry up and wait" military life in a matter of days. Talk about a whirlwind! When we first got to Florida, I didn't really have any interest in meeting new people. That sounds terrible, but it's true.

I'd never had to go out of my comfort zone to make friends and decided Parker was all I needed. Well, I was in for a rude awakening. Parker is great, but he was busy busy, and I started to get lonely. I knew I needed to break out of my shell and go meet new people, but that concept was scary. 

Fast forward 4 years, and meeting new people is now a favorite hobby. I am so grateful that the military pushed me outside of my comfort zone and forced me to learn how to make new friends. Girlfriends make life so much richer. We have friends all over the country (and a few outside!), and it's so fun knowing there really isn't anywhere the Navy could stick us where we wouldn't know someone. 

Not only that, but the girls I've met are some of the strongest people I know. The uncertainty of the military will toughen you up quickly, and these ladies do it with such poise and grace. Girlfriends are definitely what has gotten me through this military lifestyle, and I can't tell you how pivotal I know they will be when Parker deploys. 

This Christmas, I am hosting the ladies of our squadron for a little Christmas party where we will do a fun gift exchange! Since I am fully convinced that girl power is what gets us all through this crazy adventure, I wanted to give a gift that reflected that. Enter: Beyonce COTY Fragrance Gift Set. Let's be honest, nobody does girl power better than Beyonce! Who run the world? ...I don't even need to say it. 

Another reason I love this gift idea for a gift exchange? Because gift exchanges are hard. You have friends of all shapes and sizes, so clothes are out, and you know about 10 different people will all bring scarves. Jewelry is tough because everyone has a different personal style. But do you know what everyone likes? To smell nice. And this Beyonce Fragrance Set is just the ticket.

This Christmas, give girl power to those fabulously strong women in your life. We girls need each other. Men are great, and I love my husband more than life, but I get by with a little help from my girlfriends. 

I got my Beyonce Fragrance Set at Walgreens at the front of the store. Minimal walking required ;)


  1. Love this :) I joined the blogosphere to meet other military wives, and I'm so thankful that I've "met" so many wonderful ladies who live the lifestyle with such grace!

  2. It's so fun meeting new people, you can never go wrong with that. :)

  3. i love that picture and i miss you two! i'm so glad we know each other so we can get each other through deployment and this somewhat unpredicatble military life. :)

  4. Meeting other Military Spouses is a great perk of the lifestyle. I've only made a couple close friends since I am a very shy reserved person, but that's all I need!

  5. What a great empowering story. #client


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