November Goals | Anchors Aweigh


November 4, 2015

November Goals

How is it already November? We are going to blink, and it's going to be 2016 before we know it! Good grief. This time of year is such a special one, and I want to make sure I enjoy it to the fullest. This is not the time of year I want to lounge on the couch for days on end watching Netflix. We'll leave that for February when it's too cold to leave the house. But November? November is for warm scarves, the great outdoors, and the last bit of college football.

And now for some goals! Before we get started on November, let's see how October went...

Organize my closet... check! Well, checkish. I didn't organize the whole thing per say, but I did bring all of my favorite winter items to the front. So pretty much, my lumberjack shirts and puffer vests are ready for wearing!

Do 1500 squats... FAIL. This was such a fail that it needed to be written in all caps. I actually forgot this was a goal because I quit so early in the month. I did 50 one day and then another 50 the next day and realized I was going to be in a state of extreme perpetual soreness if I kept this up, so I threw in the towel. Fail. 

Go. See. Taylor. Swift... check! Gosh, this was epic. If you know me, you know my love for TSwift is something fierce, and seeing her in concert with my twin sister was easily one of the best nights of my life. I want to go back!

Take our Christmas picture... check! Thanks to a sweet friend who volunteered her time and talent, this is done. So excited to pick our favorite and mail it out next month! I shared this sneak peek on the blog earlier this week. 

Read the book of Ephesians... check! So much wisdom in this book. My Bible study group also touched on several passages in Ephesians over the last few weeks, so that was a nice overlap. 

Be flexible... check. Obviously this is abstract and hard to quantify, but I think I was flexible with all the curveballs the Navy threw at us. Things didn't go as planned, flights were scheduled at inopportune times, but life kept rocking right along. 

And now for November!

Order our Christmas card. Taking the pictures is the part that's always difficult. Ordering the card is the fun part!

Finish Christmas shopping. I don't know why I say "finish" when I haven't even started, but I do want to finish it before December gets here. I always like to wait for black Friday/cyber Monday in case there are deals on what I plan on buying. I do already know what I am getting a good number of my people, so there's a start. 

Host Friendsgiving. More on this later in the month, but Thanksgiving is going to look a little different for us this year. I am excited to host our first ever Friendsgiving with some of the people we are blessed to get to do life with here in Virginia.

Do 1000 push-ups. This is a repeat goal, but I loved it so much that I want to do it again. I did this back in August and am ready to tackle it again!

Decorate the house for Christmas. I am one of those people we all love to hate who decorates her house a little bit early each year. I will wait a couple of more weeks, but a girl can't wait forever! ;)

That's it for November! What are your goals this month?


  1. I just ordered our matching pajamas (including a set for the cat) for our Christmas cards, and I thought I was really ahead of the game, haha.

  2. Love how the closet is check-ish hehe

    I need to make squats a goal!! Let's do it! Haha


  3. We are taking our Christmas picture at Thanksgiving and I can't wait!!

  4. These are some great goals! I'm really excited for November!

  5. dang girl, you accomplished SO MUCH!
    and that squat goal was a little ridiculous lol. ;)

  6. Successful month, I'd say! Love the Christmas card photo!

  7. I love the push up challenge! I will probably do it right along with you :) P.S. Your Christmas card photo is adorable!

  8. Great goals!! I also want to order Christmas cards this month (but we still need to take a photo - eek!) and start and finish Christmas shopping. :)


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