December Goals | Anchors Aweigh


December 3, 2015

December Goals

December is upon us! It blows my mind that next month is the start of a new year, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that, so let's just pretend that December lasts forever. I actually got sad on December 1st because I know how quickly Christmas will come and go. But, let's not think about that. Let's think about how wonderful December is and how we can all make the most of it. It's time for some goals!

Before we get to December, let's take a look at how November's goals went...

Order our Christmas card... check! I just love sending and receiving Christmas cards. I love to display them throughout the kitchen with ribbons and clothespins. 

Finish Christmas shopping... check! Two words: Cyber. Monday. Christmas shopping is complete!

Host Friendsgiving... check! This was our first Thanksgiving away from our families, so we had our other "homeless" friends over for Friendsgiving. We had the best time! So thankful for our military family. 

Do 1000 push-ups... fail. Epic fail. As in, I didn't even come close. In all honesty, I forgot about this goal about 1/3 of the way through the month. Oopsies!

Decorate the house for Christmas... check! The benefit of not traveling over Thanksgiving was that we got to decorate the very next day! To say we are obsessed with seeing our house all decked out in Christmas is an understatement. Christmas music is on repeat on Pandora, and it's all absolutely wonderful!

And now for December!

1. Watch 5 Christmas movies. One of our favorites is The Holiday, and I really want to watch Love, Actually this month. It's a classic that I've never seen!

2. Work-out at least 3 times a week. It's tough to keep up the work-out routine during the holidays, but I really want to try. I feel so much better when I work-out and eat somewhat decently. 

3. Bless someone. Parker's side of the family has a really neat tradition where we each get money to bless someone with. It's one of my favorite traditions that I look forward to each year. 

4. Host a Christmas party. We had so much fun hosting a Halloween party and want to host a Christmas one too!

5. Savor every moment. This season will come and go so quickly. I want to feel like I enjoyed every second to the fullest. 


  1. Love all of your goals :) especially the Christmas Movies! If you have Netflix, they have a bunch of great ones on there!

  2. dude you crushed those november goals - and that pushup goal! DANG.
    i love your december goals!!

  3. Oh my gosh, you finished your Christmas shopping?! Jealous, party of one. I haven't even started! I did accomplish our Christmas cards though, and I consider that a great victory :)

  4. Our Christmas cards are going out tomorrow, I am so excited to spread some holiday cheer! :)

  5. Great goals for December! I don't like many Christmas movies, but I will definitely watch my favorite... Elf! :)

  6. Great goals. I need to get a move on with the Christmas cards!

  7. i love it! we'll be over soon for the christmas party ;)!

  8. Great idea about blessing someone!!

  9. Great idea about blessing someone!!

  10. Such a cool idea to bless someone! What a wonderful way to give back.

  11. You should watch White Christmas if you haven't already. My favorite holiday movie! I love the tradition to bless someone. That is so unique and so fitting for this time of year. I think I am going to jump on board these monthly goals next year.


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