Friday Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


December 11, 2015

Friday Confessions

Friday funday! It's been a few weeks since I did a "Friday Confessions" post, so let's change that today. 

I confess... I knew Parker was going to be gone this past weekend in advance, so I planned a Target trip to keep me busy Saturday. Let's be honest, I looked forward to that Target trip all week. No shame. Target just gets me. 

I confess... On said Target trip, a fellow shopper said "Oh shoot, I should have grabbed a cart" while eyeing all of the fabulous potential buys. I leaned over and said "Target problems". 

I confess... Christmas music is constantly on replay in our home, but when Michael Buble's rendition of "Santa Buddy" came on the other day, Parker and I looked at each other like, "Wait, what??". "Santa Baby" is a classic, but the male version was quite odd. 

I confess... Parker and I finally saw MockingJay Part 2 last week, and it did not disappoint in my book! So sad The Hunger Games series is officially over!

I confess... This meme caught my attention. Because really, isn't it so true?

Happy Friday friends! Have a great weekend!


  1. I've heard they're in talks to do a series of Hunger Games prequels! So maybe it's not officially over!

  2. Oh my goodness, why did Michael Buble even record that song? I love his album, but you can tell in his voice that he thinks it is a bad idea as he is singing it! Too awkward.

  3. Santa Buddy?? I haven't heard that one yet! Target trips always make my week too!

  4. You can never go wrong with a Target trip, I am planning for one this week. :) I hope you are having an awesome weekend.

  5. Andy and I was going to see Mockingjay yesterday, but then the power was out on the south end of town (including the movie theater!) so we came back to my house and watched Army lose to Navy :(

  6. I look forward to going to Target often as well!

  7. That picture! Goodness it is true. I have never heard of Santa Buddy but it sounds awkward. I must confess, I haven't seen the last two Hunger Games movies...I need to get on that.


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