Mini Pies and Scarf Swaps... The Good Stuff | Anchors Aweigh


December 14, 2015

Mini Pies and Scarf Swaps... The Good Stuff

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ShareTheJoyOfPie #CollectiveBias

I recently had the ladies of Parker's squadron over for a little Christmas party fun. We love hosting and coming up with reasons to have people over, but no reason is needed this time of year! Christmas parties are so exciting, and I get a little sad when they are over. 

Since this was going to be an all-girl party, I wanted to do something girly. I wanted girly food and a girly theme with girly activities. Our lives pretty much center around those handsome husbands of ours, so this party was all about us! And what do girls love? Accessories. And what is every girl's favorite winter accessory? A scarf. Thus, a scarf swap party was born!

Before we get to the logistics of the scarf swap, let's talk about the food. #priorities. We had our party on a Tuesday evening, which means I didn't have a lot of time to prep. That's smack dab in the middle of the work week, so cooking all day was simply out of the question. 

I love to make and serve homemade pies at parties, but I knew time would prohibit that. I also knew that girls are too polite, and nobody ever wants to be the first one to cut a slice. You can make this amazing pie, and your friends may not eat it because they don't want to cut into it. Yall, sad but true. To solve both of my problems (no time and overly polite friends), I turned to Marie Callender's® Dessert Pies and Reddi-wip® for a little assistance.

Instead of one pie, I made 10 mini pies, and it couldn't have been simpler! Here's what you need...

1 Marie Callender's Dessert Pie of your choice (I chose Razzleberry, because how fun does that sound?)
1 can Reddi-wip
small clear plastic cups

I found all of my ingredients at Walmart. The pie can be found in the frozen dessert section, and Reddi-wip can be found in the refrigerated section.

1. Bake your pie according to the instructions on the box. 

2. Let cool completely. Then scoop pie by the spoonfuls into your plastic cups. Try to get an even mix of filling/crust in each cup. 

3. Top each serving with Reddi-wip! Make sure your pie is cool so the Reddi-wip won't melt, although it's still delicious even if it melts. This is just a presentation thing.

Voila! One pie made 10 mini pies for me, but you can make more or less depending on how much you put into each cup. These babies were gobbled up and the hit of the food table! Share the joy of pie, friends!

Now, onto the scarf swap! It's very similar to a white elephant, but with scarfs as the gifts! Everyone brings a scarf they no longer wear anymore and places it in the center of the table. We all draw numbers (in our case, 1-12 since there were 12 of us) to determine the order.

The first person picks a scarf. The second person can either steal or choose another scarf from the pile. Keep going down the line. Once a scarf has been stolen twice, it is frozen and can't be stolen again. The person who goes first also gets to go last and can pick from any of the scarves that have not been frozen. Super simple and super fun!

Everyone goes home with a new scarf to wear and love! This is such a fun activity to do with your girlfriends, and BONUS: it's free! Since everyone brings a scarf from home they don't wear anymore, that saves the cost of having to buy a gift. Winning!


  1. What a fun time. I love scarf swaps, it's so different and fun. :)

  2. Love the idea of a scarf swap! Plus whenever you wear the new-to-you scarf it can remind you of your friend who originally owned it. How fun!

  3. mmmm pie.
    also i love that idea for a party with girlfriends!
    such an easy (fun and cheap) way to celebrate Christmas!

  4. I love both the scarf swap AND the mini pie ideas! Sounds like a great get together :)

    I wish we could all have a big milso blogger get together - how fun would that be?!

  5. I love the mini pie idea! Those little cups are a lifesaver! I've used them for green bean casserole and it worked great.

  6. I've never heard of a scarf swap before, but it sounds like fun to me! Plus, I totally love that you made those mini pies so nobody has to cut the first piece. Fun party! [client]


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