Recent Reads: November | Anchors Aweigh


December 1, 2015

Recent Reads: November

This little reading habit of mine has been going eleven months strong, and I have gotten to the point where I really love reading anything! I read three pretty intense books this month. I thoroughly enjoyed them all, but I foresee some light-hearted chick lit in my future. My head is still spinning from a couple of these, but man were they interesting!

Okay, onto my three most recent reads..

Keep Quiet
by Lisa Scottoline

This book was so. darn. interesting. A dad has a somewhat strained relationship with his fifteen year old son and sees an opportunity to bond with him by letting him take over the wheel one night on a road he knows he probably shouldn't be letting his son drive on. In a horrific split second, the son turns his head to look at his dad and hits someone. The woman is dead, the son is in no position to lie and say that his dad was the one driving, and the dad knows that his son's life is over if they call the cops. In a split second decision, they leave the scene. The book chronicles their journey of grief, guilt, and running from what they've done. What they did was absolutely terrible, but it could happen to anyone, and putting yourself in their shoes and deciding how you would react is really interesting. I can't recommend this book enough. I loved it and couldn't put it down.

Hour Game
by David Baldacci

This was by far my favorite. It's a serial killer who's way too smart and methodical with an agenda that I just couldn't guess. Books that I can't figure out until the secrets are revealed are my favorites. My sister read this and bugged me until I finally read it too. If you like murder mysteries, you really need to read this one. It's a book that you can easily read for three hours straight without realizing any time has passed. 

Dad, I know you're reading this, and you need to read Hour Game! I want to see if you can figure out the ending before it's revealed. Challenge extended!

Double Cross
by James Patterson

Another murder mystery, making that 3 of 3 murder mysteries if you count Keep Quiet. Good grief, but this one was pretty good too. Parker and I needed an audiobook for our drive to Nashville, and I knew a James Patterson novel would keep me awake. This was typical James Patterson- interesting, well written, and centered around smart criminals and even smarter FBI agents. I did enjoy the other two books more than this one, but I still liked it enough to recommend to a friend.

You can keep up with what I'm reading on Goodreads! What should I add to the list?


  1. Ohh these all sound interesting! I want to read a James Patterson or two again!

  2. I hardly ever read deep books like murder mysteries!

  3. i've heard so many good things about james patterson as an author!

  4. Maybe one day I will get back to reading haha.

  5. I'm not much of a murder mystery girl, kinda gives me anxiety. lol I do love stories mostly, but these sound great.

  6. I need some new books so this was a great post for me! Would you recommend Keep Quiet? I need something that will totally suck me in! <--sorry, that sounds weird!

  7. It's been so long since I've read a book. I find it so hard to find the time with a toddler running around. I need to pick one up soon!

  8. Ohh, Keep Quiet sounds like something I'd enjoy! I'm adding it to my list on Goodreads now :)

  9. Lisa Scottoline is a fantastic author. I have read Think Twice by her, and it was riveting. But yes intense. I really need to look up the whole Rosato series by her. Yay to reading!


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