Anchors Aweigh : January 2016


January 29, 2016

5 Reasons 10 Gigs Of Data Will Help Me Rock Deployment

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone #DataAndAMovie #CollectiveBias 

Let's talk about a monthly struggle in our marriage: going over our data limit with our cell phones. Seriously, you know you're an adult when these are the issues you face. Am I right, friends?

Parker and I share 2 gigs of data on our current phone plan. It should be more than enough, but there is this little thing called Instagram that I am apparently programmed to need to check every 10 minutes when I am out and about. True story: I blame Instagram every single time we go over on data.

Instagram... and Skype. Skype is how I communicate with my family, but man it uses a lot of data. I try to be conscious and make sure I am in Wi-Fi when I use it, but my "trying" is only marginally effective. We still go over on data every few months. 

This is the thing: Parker deploys this year, and when he is able to Skype, I am going to answer it no matter what. Talking to your deployed husband trumps conserving data, but I still hate the idea of constantly worrying about all of the data overages we are knowingly going to incur. 

Enter: #DataAndAMovie

Here's the skinny: Walmart Family Mobile PLUS is a newly launched service with unlimited talk, text, and data, including up to 10GB of 4G LTE plus a free movie on VUDU every month, per line, for $49.88 per month.

The 10GB of data sold me, and the free movie on VUDU every month is icing on the cake! Deployment is going to be tough, but here are 5 reasons Walmart Family Mobile PLUS is going to help me rock deployment:

1. Sanity Check: If I have to constantly monitor the data I am using and worry about taking Skype calls, I think I might lose my ever loving mind. 

2. Chick Flick For One: I get a free, new release movie rental every month. With the husband away, bring on all the girly movies! This will give me something to get excited about, which I think is probably essential when all you want is your man home. 

3. Worry-Free Husband: With all the data, he won't have to worry about me going over every month. He is going to have enough on his plate as it is. I don't want him worrying over the data. 

4. New Phone: To sweeten the gig, I also purchased a new phone. New phone, new plan. It just makes sense, right? The Samsung Galaxy Core Prime was my purchase of choice, and since I am going to have nothing to do but stare and wait for those Skype calls, at least now I have a shiny new phone to stare at. Bonus: The Samsung Galaxy Core Prime is on Rollback for $79.92 from $99.92!

5. Unlimited Communication: It's simple, really. 10 Gigs of data means unlimited communication with the man I love. Now that's priceless. 

I am really thankful we live in the age of modern technology. Deployment is going to be tough, but knowing I will get a few Skype calls now and then is something I definitely do not take for granted!

Disclaimer: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date of posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to or your local Walmart for current pricing. 

Your turn! What would you do with 10 gigs of data and a free movie every month?

Friday Confessions

It's Friday! Everyone's favorite day has come again, despite how far away it felt Monday morning when the alarm went off. Ahh, Friday. You know the drill. Time for some good old fashioned confessing!

I confess... I like to binge watch shows on Netflix. It's nice to be able to watch an episode whenever I want if I find myself with a free hour. However, finishing a series is always so sad because you are just so invested by the time it's over! I just finished Gossip Girl, and I am already having Blair Waldorf fashion withdrawals. 

I confess... I watch every one of those silly cooking videos on Facebook to completion. You know the ones where they show you how to make something from start to finish in about 20 seconds? I will probably never actually make what I see, but if the video pops up on my feed, I always always watch.

I confess... A lot of my close friends are going through deployments right now, and my heart just breaks seeing them so sad. I have heard the beginning is the worst when you are trying to find your routine, and that's where a lot of them are. This is just the stage of life we are in, and our turn isn't far off. 

I confess... Pho (pronounced fuh, apparently) is our recent cold weather obsession. I didn't think I liked it, but I have turned a corner and now cannot get enough! 

I confess... Martha Stewart came out with a collection at Petsmart. Yall, obsessed is an understatement. Everything is so darn cute! Grab your furry friend and gooooo!

How stinkin cute is that collar? Alright yall, it's the weekend! Go make it a good one!

January 28, 2016

Recent Reads: January

It may be a new year, but some things never change. It's books, books, books around here! I have gotten to the point where I genuinely get so excited to finish a book because it means I get to dive into another. Thankfully Parker shares the reading enthusiasm as well. One of our favorite things to do at night is curl up in bed and read. Old married couple, party of one. I don't hate it!

I read 3 fairly different books this month and am excited to share my thoughts with you today! One I thought was just okay, one I really liked, and one had me literally laughing. out. loud. Let's get to it!

I've Got Your Number
By Sophie Kinsella

This is my second Sophie Kinsella book (I read The Undomesticated Goddess last year). I really enjoy this author and know I can count on her for some good quality chick lit. I've Got Your Number did not disappoint! The plot was sweet and original and only mildly predictable, which is usually a win when it comes to chick lit. I liked this one a lot and would recommend to a friend!

Yes Please
By Amy Poehler

Oh. my. gosh. To start, I think this is the first book I ever found myself laughing out loud to. I am a big Amy Poehler fan, which I am sure helps, but her book is such a standout. It's funny and honest, and I actually tried to read it more slowly so it would last longer. I think I was driving Parker crazy because every 10 seconds I said "Oh my gosh, let me read you this line!". She talked about her time on SNL and Parks & Rec and even dove into her personal life, making it all hysterical as only Amy Poehler can do. It's January and I already know this will be one of my favorite books of 2016!

Paper Towns
By John Green

This one is tough. I really, really wanted to love it. Since The Fault In Our Stars was my overall favorite book of 2015, I had high hopes for John Green's other bestseller. Maybe I put it on too high of a pedestal, but I just wasn't obsessed with Paper Towns. It was entertaining enough, but the plot left something to be desired, and it ended very abruptly. I just couldn't help but feel a tiny bit disappointed in this one. Did anyone else feel this way?

That's a wrap for January! We'll talk books again with a whole new round of contenders in February!

January 27, 2016

Choose Joy

There is something about January. It's a time for fresh starts and new goals and all of that good stuff. I've said before that I don't really do new years resolutions, and that is still true, but I love coming up with new goals that will better me as a person. 

Since we are almost out of January (where the heck did this month go?!), I thought I would share my goal for the year. It's simple, really. 

Choose joy. 

I've come to realize that joy isn't just an involuntary reaction. It's a choice. We have the power to see joy in every situation just like we have the power to see the negative. I am taking a page out of my husband's book here since he is so good at seeing the positive. I want to make a cognitive effort every day to choose joy. 

When it's freezing or raining outside and all I want to do is take a walk with some vitamin D...

When work gets stressful...

When I really don't feel like cleaning...

When I don't feel pretty...

When my husband is driving me bananas...

When I miss my daughter...

When life throws the tough stuff...

I want to choose joy. 

This is my goal for the year. I firmly believe that joy can be found in every situation if we are willing to see it. So let's do this, 2016. Let's find the joy. 

Do you have a word or phrase you are focusing on this year?

January 26, 2016

Football Party Prep On The Fly

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ScoreMoreFans #CollectiveBias

We love hosting in our house. Like, really really love it. We are always trying to think up excuses to have parties or invite people over for a random Friday night get together. I am convinced the sixth love language is feeding people, and that is definitely mine. Hosting =  feeding people = happy Chelsea. 

Thanks to football season, there is always a reason to throw a party. Pick any weekend, and there is definitely going to be a big game on that people want to watch. Great news for us! I think one of the reasons I love hosting is because I feel like I have it down to an exact science, as my Nana always says. I know what food to make that will take the least amount of preparation and yield the happiest guests. No host wants to spend the whole party in the kitchen!

Today, I thought it would be fun to share a few tips and tricks on how to prep for your football party on the fly. With the big game coming up, we could all use a few shortcuts to keep the prep to a minimum!

Tip #1: Choose snacks that can be prepared in minutes. 

We all know that we come to the football parties for the food. Oh, you're the one that actually wants to watch the game? No problem. Don't mind me as I devour all the food. Food should be easy to whip together and not yield a huge mess at the end. Enter: Creamy RITZ® Cracker Bites. 

These Creamy RITZ® Cracker Bites literally take 5 minutes from start to finish but taste absolutely divine. That is my kind of football party treat! The best part? It's super easy to make a lot or a little depending on how many guests you will have. The below recipe will make about 12-15 RITZ® Cracker Bites. Double or triple it if you feel so inclined!

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup mayo
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/3 cup thinly sliced green onions
RITZ® Crackers

1. In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients but the RITZ® Crackers. 
2. Stir together, and then top a tablespoon of cheese mixture on top of each cracker. 
3. Serve and enjoy! So simple!

So, to recap, serve food that is quick and simple to prep. Period. End of story. Just do it. 

Tip #2: Choose inexpensive decor that can be quickly crafted to fit the event. 

Decor adds a personal touch to the party. It lets your guests see you went the extra mile and really got into the theme of the event. Since we are talking about football here, I want to highlight my favorite decor trick for the big game that can be completed in... you guessed it... 5 minutes. 

I have a thing for mason jars right now as does the rest of the world, so I chose a fun craft around that. Enter: Football Glasses

Mason jars or the glass of your choosing
White electrical tape
Coke Zero 6-pack

1. Cut one strip of white tape slightly shorter than the length of your mason jar and place vertically in the center.
2. Cut 4-5 smaller strips and place horizontally so they intersect your center line.
3. Fill the jar with Coke Zero to give it the final "football" look! Boom. Done. 

Bonus: All Coca-Cola 500ml 6-packs are currently 2 for $5!

See how simple that is? Simple is just better when it comes to throwing football parties. We all know you have enough on your plate as the host, so it's all about not overcomplicating things. 

To recreate these tips for the big game, head on over to Walmart and look for a RITZ® Cracker display at the front of the store and Coke Zero 6-pack in the drink aisle. 

What are your favorite tips and tricks for happy hosting? I'd love to hear! Do you have any fun recipes using Coke Zero and RITZ® Crackers? Be sure to check out more football party ideas with Coca-Cola and RITZ® at

January 22, 2016

Blessed | Daily Reminder

I have always been a very "in the moment" thinker in terms of how I view people and situations. Here's a fun, albeit embarrassing, real-life example. I always ask Parker to play card games with me. We really like cribbage and a card game we call golf. We are also both pretty competitive, but I am easily the more competitive of the two of us. If I win 5 games in a row but lose the 6th, I tell him I never win and throw myself a dramatic little pity party. He finally resorted to keeping a spreadsheet of our wins/losses so that when I decide I never ever win games, he can show me that this is in fact not true and I need to snap out of it. Bless that man. I can be a real drama queen when it comes to game night.

While that was an odd example, it paints the larger picture. I let my current mood/status dictate how I view myself on a grander scale. When I am down on my luck or have just had a rough day, I sometimes need a little reminder of how truly blessed I am. 

My friend and fellow almost military spouse (she marries her Air Force sweetheart in just 4 months!), Nicole, sent me a piece of jewelry from KEEP Collective to help with this reminder. I love it! When I'm having a rough day or feeling down, I can glance down at my wrist and see that sweet little word: blessed. 

Nicole was a joy to work with and would love to help you create your own unique piece! She is a military spouse (almost!) and a puppy mama, so you know she's good people. To support her small business with KEEP, shoot her an email or visit her Facebook page so you can get started on something custom just for you. Or, you can purchase something here.

Nicole is offering all Anchors Aweigh readers 10% off all orders and a free $9 key with any purchase over $100! Nicole will refund the 10% via Paypal or check after you complete your order!

January 20, 2016

10 Things Only People With A Fitbit Will Understand

I received a Fitbit in December, and the amount of time I have spent caring about what that little black band says is borderline ridiculous. I was a Fitbit hater prior to receiving one. I remember having a conversation with my husband that went something like this:

Me: I just don't think having a Fitbit will make me work-out more. I already work-out, so why would a step tracker make me want to do it more?
Him: Have you met you?! You are competitive and thrive on accomplishing goals.
Me: *silence

He was right, so I decided maybe not to completely write off the concept altogether. My other beef with the Fitbit? It's not the cutest fashion accessory. I am in work-out attire 5 days a week, but when I want to get fancy on a Friday night, I don't want a giant black eyesore on my wrist. I finally decided to just get over myself on this one. 

I hit 5 years with my company in December, so they let me pick from a list of service awards. One was the Fitbit HR, so I decided it was finally my chance to jump on the bandwagon. And jump on the bandwagon I did. I wear that thing every day, check it constantly to make sure it accurately captured the 15 steps I walked to the refrigerator, and treat getting 10,000 steps like a part-time job.

My fellow Fitbit nation, here are 10 daily thoughts that only plague our little minds. 

1. You will walk laps around the house at night just to get to 10,000 steps. Don't pretend you don't.
If it's close to midnight, said walking becomes jogging around the house. We all know it resets at midnight and YOU MUST GET YOUR STEPS.

2. Your Fitbit is dying but you don't want to take it off to charge because then those steps won't count. Say it isn't so!

3. You get Fitbit requests from friends, and the first thing you do is see what their daily step rate is. If it is significantly higher than yours, you consider rejecting them because you're in competition and YOU DON'T NEED THAT NEGATIVITY IN YOUR LIFE.

4. You explain to your friends how great the Fitbit is. When they say they just don't get what all the fuss is about, you want to shake them. They don't understand life. 

5. You don't want to take off your Fitbit because losing steps is the worst, but you also really don't want to wear that ugly black band with your adorable new red dress. #thestruggle. But alas, you've figured out a solution to this one. To your pocket it goes!

6. You vaguely remember when you would work-out and not care how many steps you took. It was a simpler time.

7. People think you are rude for constantly checking your wrist for the time. You aren't being rude, and you aren't checking the time. You're checking your step count. #priorities

8. You don't mind going grocery shopping or to the mall. Those places are stepping goldmines! 

9. If you don't get 10,000 steps, you feel like you failed at life for the day.

10. You love your Fitbit. It's your precious. 

January 19, 2016

30 Minute Taco Bake

Yall, I could eat Mexican food every day of the week. I love love love it! I am always looking for new variations using those same ingredients I know and love, and when I stumbled upon this 30 Minute Taco Bake, I knew I had to give it a try. It did not disappoint! It couldn't have been simpler, and it was a hearty, one-dish meal. Done and done!

2 cups cooked brown rice
1 lb lean ground beef
1 package taco seasoning
15 oz can fat free refried beans
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup salsa
2.3 oz can sliced black olives, drained
1/2 cup crushed tortilla chips
chopped green onions for garnish

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray an 8x8 baking dish with cooking spray. Set aside.
2. In a large skillet, brown ground beef and drain any fat. Add taco seasoning and 3 Tbsp of water and stir.
3. In a small bowl, stir together refried beans and salsa and microwave until hot (about 2 minutes). 
4. Spread cooked brown rice across the bottom of the baking dish and layer refried bean mixture on top. 
5. Add ground beef mixture on top of refried bean mixture. Sprinkle half of the cheese followed by all of the crushed tortilla chips and top with remaining cheese and black olives. 
6. Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Garnish with green onions and serve.


January 18, 2016

One Dream For Another

Very few people grow up dreaming of being a military spouse. On paper, the concept of marrying someone who is going to do something dangerous on a daily basis and leave for months at a time sounds less than appealing. I'm always the first to say that this is not the lifestyle I had picked out for myself. I wanted to be married with kids and the whole enchilada, but the military aspect of that never quite made its way onto my dream board. 

I think one of the biggest preconceived notions about being a military spouse is that you will have to give up your dreams. Whether it be career, location, or lifestyle, the military will now dictate it all, and the planning and dreaming you've been doing is wiped clean. While that's an extreme way of putting it, I'm not here to argue with this. You very well will have to give up a dream.

In the back of my mind, I always thought going to law school would have been really neat. Would I have actually done it? I'm not sure, but there is a chance I would have tried had Parker not been in the picture. That would have been a neat dream, but I quickly withdrew it from the running when I decided to marry Parker. 

I also always wanted to get married, settle down in the motherland (Texas), and have kids young. "Young" is a very relative term here, but I loved the idea of being married for a couple of years and then having kids. I wanted to be between 24 and 26 when we had our first. Being a mom has always been the ultimate dream in my mind, and while the military isn't stopping that dream, it sure as heck is dictating the timeline. There is no way we would still be waiting if it weren't for extenuating circumstances due to the military. 

No matter what your situation looks like, if you're a military spouse, you've had to sacrifice something. Heck, if you're a spouse, you've had to sacrifice something. That's just married life, plain and simple. But do you know what? You've also gained something really beautiful. This lifestyle isn't always easy and is certainly not for everyone, but it can be so, so awesome. Traveling the world, meeting new people, experiencing new things... it's all a dream.

If you're a newlywed military spouse or even just dating someone in the military, my point in all of this rambling is this: Don't be scared by what you have to give up. Be excited for what you are gaining. In marrying my husband, I traded one dream for another, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  


January 15, 2016

Friday Confessions

TGIF! I know Friday comes around weekly, but it really will never get old. We have a full weekend in front of us, so let's keep it nice and simple on the blog today. Time for some good, old-fashioned Friday confessing!

I confess... Other than Jen, Jenny's most used nickname is "Brown Dog". When people ask her breed, we say "brown", because that's about the extent of what we know about her breed. She is a rescue and probably has a slew of different breeds in her, but to us, she is our adorable brown dog. 

I confess... I've always had a love for Taco Bell. My aunt told me that by the time I graduated from college, I would call it "Taco Hell" because I would be so darn sick of it. Now that I am almost 27 years old, I can safely say that the whole "Taco Hell" phase never caught on. If I wouldn't gain 300 pounds, I'd eat Taco Bell every day and be very happy about it!

I confess... My husband, like 99% of the male population, is obsessed with Star Wars. It's not really my thing, but I do think those movies have the coolest intro ever. The iconic music coupled with the slanted, scrolling text is just plain cool. 

I confess... I complained 6 ways to Sunday about last year's winter, but now I find myself sort of missing the snow in this unseasonably warm winter we are having. The grass is always greener.

I confess... We are almost a month past Christmas, and this meme still has me nodding my head. The older I get, the longer it takes to bounce back from that glorious holiday eating. Give me all the Christmas cookies!

Happy weekend, friends!

Chinese New Year | Dinner Inspiration

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FrozenFromScratch #CollectiveBias

When you get married and are in that glorious newlywed phase, one of the things you most look forward to is celebrating the holidays together. You get to create traditions, fun memories, and dictate what holidays will look like in your little world. It's such an exciting time! 

Recently, when I was leafing through my collection of recipes, I came across an old favorite for Ground Turkey Spaghetti Squash Chow Mein. I shared it not too long ago on this little blog, but we loved it so much that I wanted to repurpose it for something fun. That's when it hit me. What's coming up? Chinese New Year! This little revelation inspired me to create the perfect meal that I just can't wait another second to share. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

I went to Walmart for inspiration to kick my recipe up a notch and give it a real "Chinese New Year" feel, and I stumbled upon Pagoda Express Chicken Eggrolls and Chicken Potstickers in the frozen section. They are made with 100% white meat chicken, and here is a coupon for $0.50 off 2 Padoga products from Ibotta. Boom. Done. No Chinese meal is complete without an eggroll. Am I right?

My favorite part? Both Pagoda products could be made in less than 2 minutes in the microwave. When you are almost finished cooking dinner and don't want to wait another 20 minutes for the oven, this feature will be your new best friend. They also made great appetizers when my husband exercised his lack of patience fueled by hunger.

Now, onto the main course: my deliciously healthy recipe for Spaghetti Squash Chicken Chow Mein. This recipe really could not be any healthier (Hello? It's basically just chicken and vegetables), and it has that authentic Asian flavor that we typically only get from the restaurant. It's taste bud approved and waistline approved. That's a win-win in my book!

First, preheat your oven to 400 degrees and fill a 9x13 glass baking dish with 1/2 cup of water. Cut a spaghetti squash lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Lay skin side up in your baking dish and bake 30-40 minutes, or until the flesh is very tender. Once done, scoop out the inside with a fork so it breaks apart into strings. 

Place spaghetti squash strings on a large plate and set aside.

In a large pot over medium high heat, add olive oil and cubed chicken. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper, and saute about 4-5 minutes. 

Add in celery and onion, and stir until tender, about 3-4 minutes. 

Stir in cabbage mix and heat another minute. 

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, and ginger. Add mixture to your large skillet.

Stir together 1-2 minutes to fully incorporate. 

Take your plate of spaghetti squash and carefully add "noodles" to your skillet. 

Stir to combine and remove from heat. Serve warm!

Like I mentioned above, I served with Pagoda Chicken Eggrolls and Pagoda Chicken Potstickers, and BOOM! It felt like the Chinese New Year in our little world. 


1 large spaghetti squash
1 pound chicken breasts, cubed
1/4 cup soy sauce
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp ginger
2 Tbsp olive oil
3 stalks celery, diced
2 cups cole slaw mix (packaged in the veggie aisle)
1 medium onion, diced

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and fill a 9x13 pyrex pan with 1/2 inch of water. 
2. Cut a spaghetti squash length wise and scoop out the seeds. Lay skin side up in your pyrex pan.
3. Bake spaghetti squash for 30-40 minutes or until the flesh is very tender. Once done, scoop out the flesh with a fork so it breaks apart into strings and set aside.
4. Meanwhile, whisk together soy sauce, garlic, brown sugar, and ginger and set aside.
5. In a large pan over medium high heat, add olive oil and saute cubed chicken until almost cooked through, about 4-5 minutes. Add in onion and celery and stir often, cooking until tender, about 3-4 minutes. Stir in cabbage and heat another minute.
6. Stir in your soy sauce mixture and spaghetti squash until well combined, about 2 minutes. Serve immediately. 

Have you ever celebrated Chinese New Year? Do you love to celebrate anything and everything like we do?

January 14, 2016

Currently, As Told By The Boy Behind The Blog

It's been a couple of months since that husband of mine graced the blog with his presence, so today seemed like just as good a day as any to remedy that! He's a great sport when it comes to this stuff, and I always get a kick out of his answers.

I liked the "currently" prompt, so we went with it! Enough chit chat though. Let's get right down to it. Here's a bit from the boy behind this blog. 

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in gray):


Watching... Now that college football is over, I'm watching Downton Abbey. I'll turn my man card in in the morning. I'm looking forward to Game of Thrones in April.
Hey now, Downton Abbey is a great show. No shame in loving that one!

Reading... I've been reading Lord of the Rings for too long. I need to buck up and finish it.
It's true. I think he keeps forgetting to read it, which to me is a sign that you need to find a new book. 

Listening to... I don't understand the question. The radio? I really like the song "Die A Happy Man" right now.
He came home after hearing it on the radio and turned on the music video so I could listen to the lyrics... so sweet!

Dreaming of... Deployment and having kids.
Those are the two big, exciting topics of conversation as of late! We are anxious and looking forward to both, in different ways of course. 

Eating... I've been eating really healthy since the new year since Chelsea is on a healthy cooking kick. Unfortunately, I think the 4 pounds of fudge I just brought home cancels that out.
Husband, never ever apologize for bringing home 4 pounds of fudge. Ever. 

Learning... a new upgrade syllabus for the Navy.
Fun stuff for this pilot man. 

Obsessed with... I'd like to be obsessed with golf, but it gets dark too early. I'm obsessed with my little family.
I'm pretty darn obsessed with our little family too. Nights with Parker and the Jen pup will never get old!

Planning... Something for Chelsea's birthday. Hopefully something thoughtful and fun to celebrate her. 
With my upcoming birthday, I asked him to plan something fun and surprise me. His response: "Can't I just build you something?"

That's it for this round! Thank you Parker for being such a good sport as always! 

January 12, 2016

Our Family Roles, Corporate America Style

Almost 5 years into this thing called "married life", I can best compare our marriage to that of a well oiled machine. Of course, it didn't happen overnight. That first year of marriage, we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to play adults. Now that we are a little more seasoned, we have figured out the nuts and bolts of life together and learned how to live as a cohesive unit. 

Defining our roles within our marriage was a big part of learning how to be a team. We needed to figure out what we expected from each other if we were going to have any shot at being successful. Thankfully, we are now both very well adjusted to our roles and know who is responsible for what at all times. It's basically like corporate America a la Phelps. Take a look...

Meet Parker, the CEO of Phelps Incorporated.

Parker is the face of the company. He signs off on all contracts and has the ultimate say in big decisions. He is the bread winner and works long, unpredictable hours. At company events, Parker is the center of the event and works the room like a pro. He makes the company look good and looks good doing it.  He has a big job, so he doesn't have much to do with the day to day operations. 

He loves to give back to the community. Here's the CEO now, joyfully donating to a children's charity.

Meet Chelsea, the COO of Phelps Incorporated.

It's Chelsea's job to make the CEO look good. She is in charge of day to day operations and keeping you know what from hitting the fan on a daily basis. The COO coordinates the CEO's schedule and knows what they are doing and where at all times. Thank goodness too, because the CEO doesn't do a lick of planning. The CEO may sign off on all major decisions, but the COO presents all of the options and explains the ramifications of each. 

She also moonlights as a Disney character/short order cook. Just kidding, but the short order cook part is true. Guacamole? Coming right up.

The CEO and COO keep things very professional out in public.

But behind closed doors, they are comfortable being themselves. They spend a lot of time together, after all.

The CEO and COO are able to handle most responsibilities on their own, but Phelps Incorporated wouldn't be complete without its third and final member.

Meet Jenny, the company mascot of Phelps Incorporated.

In terms of daily operations, the third and final member of Phelps Incorporated is utterly worthless. However, what she lacks in productivity, she makes up for tenfold in charisma. She keeps the company grounded and reminds the leaders of the group not to take things too seriously. She is patient, kind, and treats every day like it's the start of a three day weekend. 

Knowing our roles is part of what makes us successful. The CEO, COO, and company mascot all keep Phelps Incorporated up and running. Just like corporate America, it really is a team effort!