Currently, As Told By The Boy Behind The Blog | Anchors Aweigh


January 14, 2016

Currently, As Told By The Boy Behind The Blog

It's been a couple of months since that husband of mine graced the blog with his presence, so today seemed like just as good a day as any to remedy that! He's a great sport when it comes to this stuff, and I always get a kick out of his answers.

I liked the "currently" prompt, so we went with it! Enough chit chat though. Let's get right down to it. Here's a bit from the boy behind this blog. 

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in gray):


Watching... Now that college football is over, I'm watching Downton Abbey. I'll turn my man card in in the morning. I'm looking forward to Game of Thrones in April.
Hey now, Downton Abbey is a great show. No shame in loving that one!

Reading... I've been reading Lord of the Rings for too long. I need to buck up and finish it.
It's true. I think he keeps forgetting to read it, which to me is a sign that you need to find a new book. 

Listening to... I don't understand the question. The radio? I really like the song "Die A Happy Man" right now.
He came home after hearing it on the radio and turned on the music video so I could listen to the lyrics... so sweet!

Dreaming of... Deployment and having kids.
Those are the two big, exciting topics of conversation as of late! We are anxious and looking forward to both, in different ways of course. 

Eating... I've been eating really healthy since the new year since Chelsea is on a healthy cooking kick. Unfortunately, I think the 4 pounds of fudge I just brought home cancels that out.
Husband, never ever apologize for bringing home 4 pounds of fudge. Ever. 

Learning... a new upgrade syllabus for the Navy.
Fun stuff for this pilot man. 

Obsessed with... I'd like to be obsessed with golf, but it gets dark too early. I'm obsessed with my little family.
I'm pretty darn obsessed with our little family too. Nights with Parker and the Jen pup will never get old!

Planning... Something for Chelsea's birthday. Hopefully something thoughtful and fun to celebrate her. 
With my upcoming birthday, I asked him to plan something fun and surprise me. His response: "Can't I just build you something?"

That's it for this round! Thank you Parker for being such a good sport as always! 


  1. "Can't I just build you something?" haha, I love it! That sounds like something my husband would say too!

  2. Your birthday reminds me that Valentines Day is coming up in a month and I have absolutely nothing planned. I'm probably just going to tell Andy that I want a low-key day!

  3. i love that he just wants to build you something, that's awesome! :)

  4. One thing you will find in every Colorado touristy area is fudge. Thankfully, I grew up here and never pass up an opportunity to buy it (much to Mac's chagrin, haha). And Downton Abbey rocks.

  5. Yes to fudge! I would be all about the hubs building me stuff!

  6. Downton Abbey is a great show! I love that he watches it with you :)


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