Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


January 6, 2016

Life Lately

Life lately has been pretty sweet. Here's a look at what's been going on in our neck of the woods...

We rang in the new year by attending a family friend's wedding in Shreveport! Parker's entire immediate family was there, and it was a blast all ringing in the new year together! We danced to our heart's content and toasted champagne as the clock struck 12. There is something so fun about attending a wedding on NYE, and my man sure was looking sharp!

Waking up at 6 AM the next morning to catch our plane back to Virginia was not so fun, but thankfully I had a great travel buddy! I laughed when I looked over and saw him reading the safety brochure. I told him he is probably the only person on earth that actually reads those things. 

My reading material was much more entertaining, in my humble opinion. I finished Amy Poehler's Yes Please on the plane and absolutely loved it. She is such a hoot!

When we got home, one of the first things I saw was my countdown to Christmas sign. Parker left for Texas a few days after I did, and he decided to update the sign for us to see when we got home on January 1st. Made me laugh!

I also got home to a present Jenny's sister Darla had sent from across the country. We love Darla and her mama so much! 

We both had many things we wanted to do upon returning home, but number one on our list was to pick up the pup we missed so much while we were gone! I haven't wanted to leave her side since! She accompanied us to the barber and waited patiently while her dad got a haircut. We love his barber and the fact that he lets Jenny come in and watch. 

One of Parker's Christmas presents to me was a table for our stair landing that he promised to build. He finished it up this weekend, and I am so excited to have it in our home. As I snapped this picture of him putting on the final coat of paint, he looked over and said, "I hate painting". That's love, hubs. 

I looked in my grocery cart halfway through my weekly trip on January 3rd and realized I was such a new year's resolution cliche. Fruits and veggies for days, but we need to slow it down after all of that holiday eating!

Ah life, you've been good lately. 


  1. Oh, I hear you on the sugar/sweets/fats detox! Haha Ryan and I have been living on salads and veggies and fruits. Ahhh the holidays.

  2. Your countdown to Christmas sign had me laughing too! :)

  3. What a fun way to ring in the New Year! You were only 2 hours from where I live! :)

  4. It sounds like you had a pretty good New Years so far! Hope it continues to go well!

  5. That's so awesome you were in Louisiana for New Years! I was just about 3 hours down the road in Natchitoches. I didn't even watch the ball drop or even stay up for it haha.

  6. I love that Jenny gets to go watch Parker -- that is too freaking sweet!

  7. Yes Please was so great! I just finished it a couple days ago!

  8. I really loved that book - she is very entertaining!
    Happy 2016

  9. Ryan reads the safety brochure. #pilotlife

  10. Of all the population, shouldn't pilots already know what to do in an emergency?

  11. I actually only buy meat and eggs from the groceries because we get vegetables from a subscription box (ugly fruit!). It saves us so so so much money!

  12. That is so sweet that you can take your dog into the barber. That's how you make a customer for life! And isn't it great to have handy husbands?!


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