February Goals | Anchors Aweigh


February 1, 2016

February Goals

Happy February, friends! There is something fun about starting a new month, and it's crazy to think we are already 1/12 of the way through 2016. February is funny, because people typically either love it or hate it. Valentine's Day has a lot to do with that one. Since I was actually born on Valentine's Day, I've always thought February to be a wonderfully awesome month, but I may be biased just a little. ;)

With the start of the new month, it's time for some new goals! But before we get to February, let's see how January's goals went...

Get 10,000 steps 6 out of 7 days each week... check! There were exactly 4 days this month that I didn't get 10,000, so I just barely made it. If you caught this post, you know I have fully embraced the Fitbit life. 

Paint the house (or at least get the ball rolling)... checkish. The ball is definitely rolling! We have chosen a color (so much easier said than done), and have painters scheduled to come this month! We are so excited!

Read the book of Philippians... fail! Oops, I totally forgot to do this. I need to remember to look back at this post throughout the month, because I completely forgot this was a goal. Fail. 

Update the Recipes tab on my blog... check! It's a quick process when I actually remember to do it, which is apparently rarely. 

Make an appointment to get a retainer... fail! I remembered this was a goal but sat on it all month for really no reason at all. I still have my old retainer, but it's a little tight since my teeth have shifted. I kind of just want to wear it anyway and avoid buying a new one. That's probably not the orthodontist recommended way of doing things. 

So I didn't do great with my goals this month, but it wasn't a complete bust either. 

And now for February!

Turn 27. What a copout of a goal. I am going to turn 27 this month whether I try to or not, so this is more of a to-do, I suppose. Either way, it's my birth month, and those are always fun!

Add a breakfast section to my Recipes tab. When I updated that tab last month, I realized I have enough breakfast recipes to divide them up into their own category. I really don't know if anyone looks at this tab, but the OCD in me needs the breakfast recipes separate. :)

Do 1000 push-ups. This is a recycled goal. I have done this once or twice, but I can always tell a teeny tiny difference in my arms after I do, so I want to do it again!

Find a new show to binge watch. I mentioned Friday that I finished Gossip Girl and am already sad it's over. I need a new show that I can watch an episode of here and there when I have the time. Suggestions welcome!

Go skiing. This has been on the to-do list for a long time, so it's time to make it a reality! I have been skiing once as a kid, and Parker has never been, so we will be those adults going 1 mile an hour trying not to fall down and twist an ankle. Here goes nothing!

Yay goals! So tell me, are you a February lover, or would you be a-okay just skipping to March?


  1. You guys should definitely go skiing! It's so much fun! I don't know how close you are to Massanutten (near Harrisonburg) but I worked there in college and they have a great beginners slope.

  2. I am normally a february lover, but I am looking forward to march only because my husband has leave and we are flying to california for my sister's wedding! Other then that I would not be anxious for March to be here! Also I just started watching Mysteries of Laura and Telenovella, don't know if your in to those shows, but they are just into their seasons so it kind of forces you to only watch one every now and then ha!

  3. (almost) welcome to the 27 club!
    WHOLLY COW 1,000 PUSH UPS girl...you're making my arms hurt for you.
    and hmmm
    I'm binge watching the crap out of Criminal Minds ;)

  4. I have always wanted to go skiing, I hope it happens for you. :)

  5. I finally just finished Gossip Girl too-- I ended up skipping a few of the last episodes because I was so annoyed, haha, but now I'm also sad it's over. 1000 pushups is amazing! I don't think I can do more than 5 or 6!

  6. it's not for everyone - but have you ever watched the Walking Dead? We are obsessed over here. haha

  7. I love February too, it's my birthday month as well, yay for us!! :-) My goal is to just enjoy the month and celebrate. Good luck with yours, I think they're very manageable!

  8. I love February for really no reason... and we get an extra day this year! Woo! I love leap years for some reason.

    You did much better with your goals than I did... I almost don't even want to write my post, haha

  9. I could take it or leave it -- this year, I'm ready to skip ahead to March. I love the push up challenge! I try to do 100 push ups and 100 squats her day and I can always tell a difference!

  10. Fuller House comes out on netflix Feb 26 and I can't wait til 12 a.m. on that day so I can binge watch.

  11. I love February because this is the first year I have a Valentine! Also, wedding planning is in full swing so I love that too! As for shows to binge watch-- When Calls the Heart. SO cheesy but so good!!

  12. Whether or not you love it, February always seems to fly by. I love Valentine's Day if only because it's the holiday Mac and I have spent together the most.

  13. I'm in the middle of gossip girl right now as my background show! Have you watched Master of None or Narcos?

  14. I'm watching "When Calls the Heart" right now. It is pretty light, but it is a fun watch. Have you ever watched One Tree Hill? And get at those 1000 push-ups! My goal is 200...so you will definitely make me impressed!


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