Weekending In The Motherland, 27 (almost) Style | Anchors Aweigh


February 9, 2016

Weekending In The Motherland, 27 (almost) Style

This past weekend, I flew home to the motherland (Texas, if you're new around here) for a little early birthday celebration with the family! Parker was in Key West for the week doing his Navy thing, so I hopped on a plane and traded in the cold for a weekend of sun and family. 

My birthday isn't for a few more days, but I've never not flown home to spend it with my family in some capacity. Especially being a twin... twins must celebrate their birthdays together. It's the golden rule of twindom. It was a low key weekend but honestly so very perfect. 

Both my sisters came in, so the entire family minus Parker was together. We all wish he could have been there, but such is life with our friend the military. 

My mom made us a homemade strawberry cake, which is what we request every year, and Danielle (twin) again blew the candles out before I had the chance. This is the second year in a row she's gotten to blow out all of the candles. Again, the things that matter when you're a twin. Even if you're a 27-year-old twin. 

Sunday was such a family day, which really is the best kind of day. We all went to church together, devoured a yummy brunch, and kicked back with a board game that got only mildly competitive. My brother in law snapped this next picture. We are missing two husbands, but so fun to have a picture of the original six!

Adulting with sisters is really quite neat. We fought about silly things as kids but now all love and care for each other so much. Four very different personalities but so much love.

Another weekend highlight was Scattergories. This was one of my favorite games growing up! I may or may not have stolen the family game to take to Virginia, and they may or may not have had to replace it with this new and improved version. The jury is still out on what really happened there. ;)

All of the girls managed to be mostly sweet to each other despite our competitive nature, and my dad couldn't help but shout out answers despite his refusal to actually play. Sounds like family game time to me!

Jenny was back having a sleepover with her best pal Dug, but I got to love on my two other favorite pups in her absence! We are big dog people over here.

And before I left for the airport to go back home, my mom said "Oh wait, take some Girl Scout cookies for the trip!". Bless you, sweet mother. She knows the way to my heart, and it's called a Samoa. Sorry, I mean a Caramel Delite. The Girl Scouts of America pulled a fast one on me and renamed my favorite cookie. Thankfully, the recipe is in tact.

All in all, it was such a wonderful time. I love coming home to these special people and was excited to return to the east coast late Monday evening to my favorite husband and pup. Said husband got a talking to when I walked through the door and saw said pup's water bowl was bone dry. But, they were both happy and healthy, so all is right in my little world!


  1. Glad you had a fun birthday celebration!

  2. How fun!! Also, super jealous about the Lemonade Girl Scout cookies... they don't sell that kind here, and it's a big bummer!

  3. Glad you had a happy birthday celebration!! It's always wonderful spending time with family. And about the Girl Scout cookie thing-- I swore I wasn't going to buy any this year because I want to get healthy for the wedding, but then the cutest little Daisy stopped by my office and before I knew it, she swindled me into buying 6 boxes of Tagalongs...

  4. Yay! Glad you had a fun weekend in the motherland! Can we move back now?! Kthanks!

  5. You have a gorgeous family! Scattegories is SOOOO much fun!


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