Anchors Aweigh Spring Break | Anchors Aweigh


March 21, 2016

Anchors Aweigh Spring Break

One of my March goals was to take a week off from blogging. I want to recharge my batteries and do a little planning for this little space of the interwebs. A break every now and then is good for the soul, and this week seems like just as good a time as any!

We will be back next week with our regularly scheduled programming! Have a great week- I'll miss you all!

If you feel like reading some oldies but goodies, click here to see all of my wedding posts. :)


  1. Enjoy your week off! You deserve it. :)

  2. awww your wedding pictures!

    enjoy your break :)

  3. It's like you read my mind when you posted the link to your wedding posts. I have been reading them and getting ideas for my wedding!

  4. Good for you, girl. Take some time for yourself and enjoy your blogging break! And soak up the extra snuggles from Jenny and quality time with Parker! See you next week! :)

  5. Have a great week "away"! I think that's a great idea! :)

  6. Love that you're calling it a spring break. :) Fabulous idea! Enjoy it!

  7. enjoy your spring blog break ;)
    i need to do one of those soon! <3


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