Anchors Aweigh: Through The Years | Anchors Aweigh


March 9, 2016

Anchors Aweigh: Through The Years

If you are a regular visitor of this little blog, you may notice it was given a facelift! One of my March goals was to redesign the blog, and I am so glad I did. I wanted a more sleek look and really love the way it turned out. I'm still tweaking here and there, but it's basically complete. I have always designed it myself, but this time I purchased a template off of Etsy (thanks Amy for the suggestion!). Yall, that was the best $12 I have ever spent. So darn easy, and now I have a good 8 hours of my life back that I would have spent trying (and failing) to understand HTML coding.

In light of the new change, I though it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane. I have tried to screen shot most of the previous designs before I change them, so I'm excited to put them all together and take a look at the aesthetics over the years. 

I hate that I didn't take a picture of the very first design, but I do have an image of one of the original headers:

The next few designs were a product of much googling, researching, and praying that I didn't irreparably mess up the HTML code.

It's been fun to watch this blog evolve and grow. Thanks to everyone who follows along!


  1. It looks great! It always has (ESPECIALLY considering that you did it yourself!), but now it looks, as you said, sleek.

  2. LOVE the new design! Very sleek and put together. Love, love love.

  3. I love the new look! I always did my blog re-designs myself, but this last time around, I purchased a template. Like you said, best money I'd ever spent!

  4. I absolutely love the new look, it's perfect! :)

  5. I saw your new blog design yesterday and almost texted you to say that I loved it, but then I got distracted at work! Anyway, I love it! Did you design the header yourself?

  6. I love the new design! Thank heaven's for etsy!! I have loved seeing your blog transform! You're definitely one of my favorites to read!

  7. I love the new look!! It's nice and clean! :)

  8. I noticed the new design immediately!! Love it!!

  9. I love the new look!! What Etsy shop did you use? I've been wanting to redo my entire blog but the time it takes is what's stopping g me!!

  10. I thought you always did a great job, but as someone who also has never paid for their update, I get it. It takes so much time to do it yourself!


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