Easter Weekend In Texas | Anchors Aweigh


March 30, 2016

Easter Weekend In Texas

If you know me personally, you know I love the great state of Texas something fierce. It's where I grew up, it's where my family lives, and it will always be home. I flew back last weekend to spend Easter with the family while Parker was away for the weekend. It's never fun being without your buddy on holidays, but it was wonderful to get to spend Easter weekend with my family in my favorite state!

We did the usual- Easter church service and eating all. the. food. I'm not sure how many deviled eggs I had, but I'm not mad about it.

Honestly, it was just a good weekend of family togetherness. I always like to recap these moments because they are oh so fleeting. Here are a few snapshots of our weekend celebrating the risen King!

My parents' church always adds services around the holidays, so we switched things up and went to Easter service on Saturday night. Here is a shot of everyone before church! We were missing Parker, my twin sister (Danielle), and her husband Logan (who was snapping the picture). My littlest sister, little sister, and her boyfriend are on the left, and my parents are on the right. 

Danielle is a nurse and unfortunately had to work this weekend, but she showed up after church so I could hug that growing belly! To say I am excited to be an aunt is an understatement. I am so in love with this little babe! I got to meet her at the hospital Sunday morning for an ultrasound to see the little wiggle worm in action. Happy aunt!

I don't get to see my two little sisters (Natalie and Faith) as often as I want, so it is always a treat when we are home at the same time. It was also my dad's birthday this weekend, so all his girls were home to celebrate! Natalie and Faith's gift for my dad was so out there and hilarious- a boombox pinata (he loves the 80s) with pictures of Winston Churchill (he loves that guy) and filled with margarita mix and patron (the man loves his margs). Who thinks of this stuff, right?!

Jenny was staying with a friend over the weekend, so I got to love on my favorite Texas pups! I rode in the back of my brother-in-law's convertible with my fur nephew Sully a couple of times over the weekend. We love dogs around here!

So that was it! It was a wonderful weekend spent with people I love. Had Parker and Jenny been there, it would have been just about perfect. Easter 2016 is in the books!


  1. I am so glad you were able to spend Easter with family!! :)

  2. What a WONDERFUL weekend - your family is beautiful!
    Being an aunt is AWESOME!!!! :)

  3. What a great family-filled weekend! Your family is seriously precious and that picture of you and Danielle is a GEM! Definitely frame that sucker.

  4. IT sounds like you had an amazing Easter weekend. And I love all the dogs :)

  5. This looks like the best Easter ever! So glad you could spend it in the motherland! :)

  6. So glad you had a great Easter with your family! My entire family got together for Easter and I LOVED every second!

  7. What a fun Easter weekend! I'm glad you enjoyed it and got to see family! We were in the middle of our PCS on Easter, but we luckily were on our stopover in Kansas City that day, so we got to see my family as well. :)


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