Friday Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


March 4, 2016

Friday Confessions

Happy Friday! Our favorite day of the week seems to have gotten here rather quickly, but you won't hear any complaining from us! To round out another week of blogging, let's get to some confessions.

I confess... I don't understand why Girl Scout cookies are called different things in different regions. A caramel delite is a samoa, a shortbread is a trefoil, and a peanut butter patty is a tagalong. Let's get back to the basics and stop overcomplicating things, shall we?

I confess... Facebook decided to up its game last week with options to not only like photos and statuses, but to love, laugh, be surprised, be sad, or be angry at them as well. Oh the possibilities. The jury's still out on how I feel about this. 

I confess... I love the idea of donating my hair and have always wanted to do so, but cutting off 8 inches will leave it pretty darn short. I am due for a good trim anyway and can't decide if I want to bite the bullet for a good cause or play it safe. Such first world problems, I realize.

I confess... Parker and I had to board Jenny when we went skiing and missed that brown dog something fierce! Walking into your house without a waggy tail to greet you is just not right.

I confess... Our neck of the woods is forecasted for snow and rain this weekend, and all this little family wants to do is be outside in the sun! A family fun run sounds so nice right about now! Since we are all wimps and won't run in the cold, that dream will have to wait. While we wait, here's a throwback... three happy (and tired) souls after a long summer run!

It's the first weekend in March! Yall make it a good one! And please, if you live somewhere warm, go outside and enjoy the sunshine for us. 


  1. I can answer the GS cookie question! It depends on what baker the area you are buying from uses. The names are proprietary to the bakers except for thin mint which is owned by GSUSA. I also say hooray for the sun and wagagly tails.

  2. Running in the cold is awful!! I don't blame you guys either.

  3. The Girl Scout cookie thing confuses me too. And why don't they sell ALL of their cookies everywhere? So silly, and it makes me so mad when I can't get my hands on some Lemonades.

  4. I didn't know the Girl Scout cookie thing either-- I guess I just thought that they changed most of the names in the past couple of years to modernize them or something? haha I think they'll always be carmel delites to me though! We're not supposed to have great weather this weekend either, but it should be warming up soon :)

  5. I will be totally frank..I cut 13 inches off my hair last fall (it needed it badly) and was only able to donate around 9 inches of it due to split ends, hair health, etc. I hated it. I was so used to my long hair and I ended the whole process with a shoulder length cut. I know it all went to a good cause, but man, I cried for a good long while about it.

  6. I say the same thing about the girl scout cookies. The names are not the same as when I was in girl scouts. I was looking for samoa's and it took me a minute to realize that it's not what they're called anymore :(

  7. Yes the whole GS cookie thing is so weird to me!

  8. I honestly never noticed that the girl scout cookies had different names, but after reading the comments I now know why! Interesting! I am so excited for the summer so that we can play outside more. We had a really nice and sunny day today so we took the dogs out to play and they are exhausted now!

  9. The bakers for the Southern Indiana Girl Scout cookies is different from the Kentucky GS Cookie Bakers, so you can get twice the variety if you happen to know someone on the other side of the border. I have a co-worker from Indiana whose daughter was selling cookies in the office, and I was surprised at the cookies they have that we don't here in KY!

  10. I'm going to donate my hair for the sixth time in ten years this year. I've had some cuts I haven't love along the way, but it grows back.

  11. I don't really care for Facebook's new thing-y. I hate when they switch things up!


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