Life Lately, According To Instagram | Anchors Aweigh


March 17, 2016

Life Lately, According To Instagram

I usually compile pictures from my phone or these "Life Lately" updates, but today I thought it would be fun to grab them from my Instagram feed. There are a few hundred less photos of my dog on there, but otherwise, Instagram is how I document what our little clan has been up to. 

Let's see here...

Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands! Everyone name that wonderful movie. Seriously though, this guy is the best work-out buddy. I am not one of those people that loves working out. I love the feeling I get after I've worked out, but I complain six ways to Sunday before and during. Working out together makes it so much more bearable. The couple that sweats together stays together. That's a saying, right?

I recently blogged about attending a bachelorette party in your late 20s, a far cry from attending a bachelorette party at age 22. I snapped this picture of our polaroid collection. I know we live in the age of smart phones, but there is something really fun about taking polaroids and waving them around like it's 1999. 

I have a weekly Bible Study I go to with some of the sweetest girls around, and it's one of my favorite parts of the week. We love Jen Wilkin studies and are on our second one (currently Judges). Jenny makes a great Bible Study buddy!

I am so thankful my husband puts up with my incessant picture-taking. I snap a picture before most date nights, and this past Saturday was no exception. We did the typical dinner-and-a-movie night and just had the best time. 

This last one was taken by my friend Kourtney over at The Martines and the Marines, who I finally got to meet in real life last Friday! You may remember her from this post she wrote on my blog back in December. She's been one of my favorite bloggers to follow, and she is just as sweet and wonderful in person! Her kiddos are like little pieces of Heaven. When Mitchell grabbed my hand on our walk back from the park, I was ready to scoop him up and keep him forever!

That's life lately, according to Instagram!


  1. I love that last photo, it's so sweet!

  2. I take so many photos of date nights too!!! I'm so glad Andy is cool with it because it's going to be so fun to look back on when we were little babies!

  3. that last picture is so dang precious! <3

  4. Aw, so awesome that you got to meet them, and that last picture is the sweetest! :)

  5. That last picture. Babies look good on you, friend! :)


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