March Goals | Anchors Aweigh


March 1, 2016

March Goals

Happy month of March! March means the end of all the snow and the beginning of shorts season. If you know me, you know I would wear shorts or dresses every day of the year if I could. It's been in the 60s on the East coast this week, so I am welcoming March with open arms! In honor of the first day of the new month, I've come up with a whole new list of goals to tackle!

Before we get to March, let's see how February's goals went...

Turn 27... check! I flew home to the motherland (Texas, of course) to celebrate my birthday with my twin sister and family, and then I had a wonderful weekend celebration with the husband. No complaints about 27 so far!

Add a breakfast section to my Recipes tab... fail! Total fail. I completely forgot to do this. Oopsies. 

Do 1000 push-ups... check! I love accomplishing this goal. I always feel like I can see a teensy bit more definition in my arms, which makes me happy happy happy. 

Find a new show to binge watch... check! Yall, I am already on season 3 of Revenge and completely hooked! It's only 4 seasons and I am dreading finishing it. It's so. darn. good!

Go skiing... check! Parker and I went this past weekend and had the best time! More on that tomorrow!

And now for March!

Add a breakfast section to my Recipes tab. Since I failed to do this in February, let's try to get it done in March!

Ride 50 miles on my bike. This should be easy to complete, and now that the weather is pretty, I want to get back on the bike!

Redesign my blog. I have always done it myself, so I am trying to decide if I want to again redesign it myself or throw in the towel and pay someone to do it. It's just time for a little facelift!

Put my husband first. Time before the big D is passing quickly, and I want to put aside any and all selfish tendencies and completely focus on him and our marriage. 

Take a Spring Break from blogging. I want to take a week off to refocus and do a little bit of planning. This blog is a hobby that I am passionate about, and lately I haven't felt like I am putting in the time that I want to. I want to take a week to schedule posts, redesign, and think about the direction I want this little space to take. 

Yay for March and yay for goals! What are you hoping to get accomplished this month?


  1. Great March goals! I've been feeling like I need to officially take a break from blogging too to make a plan because it's become a lot to manage between it and my separate blog for photography.

  2. spring break!
    also, my blog layout i purchased (super cheap too) and just installed it, it was a nice face lift haha

  3. Good luck with your goals for March! A spring break from blogging sounds like a perfect idea. I can't wait to see your new design! :) I love changing things up - I just did to mine... nothing huge - mostly just the colors!

  4. I always feel refreshed after I take a break from blogging!

  5. Taking a week off to recharge is the best thing you can do for blogging ruts. I love to do it in the summer and winter. I come back feeling so much better, organized, etc!

  6. I really love taking blogging breaks, it's nice to refresh the mind, body, and soul.

  7. I'm glad you're digging into revenge! I finished Gossip Girl, caught up on the Walking Dead, and have been focused on Fuller House!
    Let me know if you need a guest poster for while you're on a spring break! I'm happy to help!

  8. These are all great goals. And taking time just the two of you before a deployment is so important! We have always scheduled a weekend getaway (noting too crazy) before he leaves so that we have uninterrupted us time.


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