Military Mondays: A New Series | Anchors Aweigh


March 28, 2016

Military Mondays: A New Series

Hello hello! I am happy to be back from my little blogging hiatus, rejuvenated and ready to get back into the swing of things!

Parker and I came up with the idea for a "military spouses" blog series a couple of months ago. I am by no means an expert on the military lifestyle (is anyone ever?), but I have learned a thing or two over the last five years. I've been brainstorming for this series and talking through topics with Parker, and I am so excited to finally get started! 

Aside from messages from people inspired by our journey with Taylor Grace, my very favorite emails to get are from fellow military spouses who happened upon this little blog. I love connecting with others walking this same path and answering the questions I can. I remember having so many questions with no one to really turn to, and it can be a very lost feeling. 

My goal with this series is for it to be a resource for other military wives. For the foreseeable future, I'll dedicate Monday to something military related. We will cover everything from Tricare to ranks to spouse groups, and I'm looking forward to learning more in the process of writing these. 

Military spouses: If there are any topics you would like to see discussed, please let me know in the comments!


  1. Exciting! Can't wait to read!


  2. Can't wait for this series! My husband just graduated BCT last week so I am full of questions!

  3. I can't wait-- I feel like I'm going to get a wealth of information from this series! I want ALL the posts!!! ;)

  4. I absolutely love this idea!! There really is so much to learn in this life.

  5. This sounds like an awesome series! I'm not a military spouse and probably will never be one but I love learning about what other peoples' lives are like! <3

  6. Acronyms! For the love of Pete, the military has more than we do in education! I would love to see an article on the different ones and what they mean.

  7. I would love a post on Tricare! And things to know after just getting married! And moves.. DITY/partials, etc. Can't wait!

  8. Awesome idea! Can't wait to read them! :) My favorite thing about blogging is the milso community for sure! I'd love to see a post about meeting new people at new bases when there aren't many spouses... but I'm not sure if you've had any experience with that either, haha.

  9. I did this for awhile, and it was a great way for me to learn a lot of stuff to and get Tom involved in the blog. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


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