Recent Reads: March | Anchors Aweigh


March 31, 2016

Recent Reads: March

It feels like it's been a while since it was book day on the blog, but these are always some of my favorite posts to write. I love talking books with people (my high school self is calling my current self a nerd right now), and I love suggestions on what to read next!

I read three pretty different books this month: one I liked okay, one was good but drawn out, and one was maybe my favorite book I have ever read. Here's what covered my nightstand in March...

The Girl On The Train
By Paula Hawkins

This book came highly recommended from just about everyone. I feel like it took me a while to get into, and I expected with a thriller like this one to be sucked in from the beginning. Once I was into it, I enjoyed it. I couldn't put it down at the end, but I did struggle to pick it up during the first half. The storyline also made me sad, which I think was the intent. The main character is an alcoholic, and while the author did a good job conveying such raw and real emotions, it was definitely depressing. I would love to hear your thoughts on this one!

The Royal We
By Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

This one also came highly recommended by the rest of the world. It was definitely enjoyable and a really fun story. It is told from Bex's perspective, your normal, every day American girl who falls in love with a prince. It felt like a real glimpse into how Kate must have felt falling in love with William and all the hooplah that came with it. Great story, but man it felt like it went on forever! That was really my only complaint. Other than that, it was a sweet read and a fun story.

By R.J. Palacio

I could write a whole post on just how much I loved this book, and it still wouldn't do it justice. Yall, it was easily one of the best books I have ever read! It's about a fifth grade boy named Auggie who is severely deformed in the face, but all of his mental capacities are in tact. Different chapters are told from different points of view, so you get to hear about his life from Auggie himself, his sister, and a few of the kids who befriend him.

The thing I loved so much is that, through his story and encounters, you realize he is a normal kid just like everyone else. If this had been a movie, I don't think it would have been nearly as powerful. They give you a few ideas of what his face looks like but really let your imagination create whatever picture it wants. Since you aren't staring at an image of his deformed face, you end up focusing on his character and the feelings he expresses. Yall, it was powerful. I think every kid should read this and every adult should too. I cannot recommend it enough.


  1. I tried reading Girl on The Train a couple of months ago. I couldn't get into it and actually gave up on it. I will have to try it again sometime.

  2. I've had Girl on the Train recommended to me multiple times, but haven't pulled the trigger on it. I guess I'm just not in that mood right now. And I loved The Royal We, but agree, it was definitely on the longer side.

  3. I really want to read Girl on a Train! Maybe I will now!

  4. I've heard good things about all of these, I really need to get back on my reading game.

  5. So many people have recommended Girl on a Train so it's always nice to see the various reviews!

  6. I'm definitely with you on girl on the train! Definitely going to add wonder to my tbr list now- I've seen it around a little bit, but have never looked into what it's about!

  7. The beginning of The Girl on the Train was definitely slow. I almost gave up on it, but the end half made up for it. I'm curious to see how the movie comes out. I need to check out Wonder, it sounds great!

  8. Those look like some great books! I am packing 15-- yes 15!!-- books to take with me when I'm up at Knox for 6 days for Andy's surgery.

  9. I loved The Royal We! I was at the library last week and saw it and almost checked it out to read it again. Maybe next time. ;)


  10. I still need to read The Girl on the Train! It's been on my list for a while, so I need to just do it. I haven't heard of those other two, so I'll have to look into them more! :)


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