Wine Tasting on a Sunday Morning | Anchors Aweigh


March 3, 2016

Wine Tasting on a Sunday Morning

When we planned our ski trip to Wintergreen, a friend told us we really needed to check out the wineries while we were there. We are by no means winos but have recently started to quite like the grapey concoction, so we were game! 

We spent all of Friday and Saturday skiing and decided to hit up a winery on our way home Sunday morning. We arrived at King Family Vineyards at 10:30 AM and wondered why we seemed to be the only ones there. Then we realized we were at a vineyard at 10:30 AM on a Sunday morning. Probably not the most popular time for a wine tasting, but oh well! 

The views were beautiful, and we basically wanted to move in with a brown dog and never leave. There were horses running freely and cows happily grazing. It was very picturesque and felt like another world!

The wine tasting was really fun. Neither Parker nor I know squat about wine, but we enjoy it nonetheless. We split a tasting since we still had to drive home, so we each got just a taste of the six wines in the tasting. I'd love to spout off the wines we sampled, but let's venture back to the whole we-don't-know-squat-about-wine part. We liked all but one that apparently had bourbon in it. Not our cup of tea... or wine. Our favorite was a Petit Verdot (no idea what those words mean, but it tasted good!), so we bought a bottle to bring home as a souvenir. 

The girl who poured the wines was very knowledgeable and patient with our ignorance. Somehow, unbeknownst to me, she and Parker got on the subject of Game of Thrones and started theorizing about the characters and story line. I was quite thankful for the glass of wine in my hand at that point. Parker was obviously on cloud nine. Someone as into Game of Thrones as he is? Sign him up!

All good things had to come to an end, but it sure was fun while it lasted! If you go to Wintergreen for a little ski action, stop by some of the wineries at the bottom of the mountain. King Family Vineyards was absolutely gorgeous and provided such a fun day date!

What's you favorite kind of wine?


  1. How fun! We LOVE wineries - especially ones with tours and samples. I can't even pick a favorite wine... I like so many different ones depending on how I'm feeling. I guess my overall top choice would be Gewürztraminer (yes, I had to copy and paste the spelling! haha!) There was a wine festival we LOVED in Colorado, but we haven't been to any recently because Ohio is seriously slacking.

  2. How fun is that?! Ryan and I haven't been to a wine tasting, but we did a brewery tour back in Boston and had way too much fun! I'm a sweet wine drinker...all about Moscato :D

  3. I live in the middle of tons of wineries from the Livermore Valley to the Napa Valley. Anyway, I usually get a bunch of bottles of an apple wine when I am up in the Appleview area (North of Sacramento).

  4. sounds like y'all had such a good weekend! <3 <3

  5. I've done a few different wine tastings and really enjoyed them too! I'm definitely a white wine girl (give me all the riesling!).

  6. We love Charlottesville area tastings. Glad you picked up a petit Verdot. It's native only to VA!

  7. My favorite wine is wine in general. And (forgive if I've mentioned this before) you can find Groupons for a good number of the VA wineries. They also offer a membership where you can taste for free and buy discounted bottles.

  8. I am pretty particular about the wines that I buy because I don't like the dry stuff. Wine tastings are so much fun though to have little samples and try stuff that I would never buy! Plus I feel very sophisticated and grown up which is a plus for me on most days.


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