You Didn't Just Go Through A Breakup, Did You? | Anchors Aweigh


March 14, 2016

You Didn't Just Go Through A Breakup, Did You?

Those were the words my hairdresser spoke to me as she cut off nine inches of my hair. Comforting, don't you think?

Let's back up. 

I've always loved the idea of donating my hair, but it never was long enough to take the plunge. I went in for my routine haircut (and by routine, I mean every 7-8 months) for a good 3-4 inch trim. By my estimation, donating it was out of the question unless I wanted a short bob. I never was very good with a ruler. 

Before my hairdresser started cutting, I asked her (hypothetically, of course) if my ends were healthy enough to donate and what it would look like to cut 8 inches off. By my research, the least I could donate was 8 inches. She said my ends were healthy and that she could take off 9 just to be safe, still giving me hair just below my shoulders. 

Well, I'm sitting here with shorter hair than I've had in 8 years, so I guess I let her go through with it. As soon as she did the big cut, our conversation went something like this...

Hairdresser: Wait, you didn't just go through a breakup, did you?!
Me: No no, I'm happily married. This isn't a Britney Spears circa 2007 crisis. 

Well, she was relieved. 

In all seriousness, I really love the change! Typically girls wait until their husbands deploy to chop off all of their hair so that if the husband hates it, you have a good 6-9 months to grow it back out. I jumped the gun, but thankfully Parker really likes it! He said it reminds him of "college Chelsea".
Fun fact: Of the 9 years we have known each other, I have had short hair exactly 1 of them. I had short hair when we met Freshmen year of college and am honestly surprised he remembers that. I barely remember that!

Any ladies out there who have donated hair before? I'll do a post on my experience donating with my charity of choice once I complete the process!


  1. Your hair looks so cute! I'm in need of a summer cut myself. I actually grew my hair out until I was in high school (my mom may have had something to do with it) and donated 18 inches when I chopped it off. They actually packaged and sent if off for me which was really nice!

  2. Aw, I love it! I also am so bad with guesstimating lengths, and I was terrified to donate mine, but I knew I wanted to and needed some serious length off of it last fall... and when they took off 12 (!!!!!) inches, my hair was still just below my shoulders... crazy. It worked out well, but I was terrified at first, and it took a few weeks to adjust to. Like you, I hadn't had hair that short in YEARS... mine was way back in college when I first met Dan, ironically. And that time, I'd let a friend convince me to cut off way more than I was comfortable with and HATED it, which is probably why it had been super long ever since.

  3. I used to have really long hair when I was growing up but cut it often after and never grew it out long enough for a donation. Recently, my husbands daughter said she wanted to donate her hair, out of nowhere. It took some time for both parents to agree but she's got short hair now and is so happy she was able to donate to Locks of Love! We vlogged it to have as a memory, feel free to watch if you're interested!

    Your hair looks fabulous! Glad your husband likes it too!! Xo

  4. This cut look really great on you and it's so exciting that you go to donate the rest of it!! I've been keeping my hair shorter recently too. I actually got it cut about 3 weeks ago and I'm going back tonight because it's not short enough!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  5. I love how it turned out and yay for donating!!!

  6. I've donated my hair twice before--- once I ended up with a bob (horrific!) and another time I had hair right at the shoulders. I'm cutting my hair almost immediately after I get back from my honeymoon like every other new wife does haha. I never thought about cutting it at the beginning of a deployment!

  7. My hair is so color treated I don't think I can donate :( But such a great thing to do! And love how it looks on you!

  8. It looks so cute Chelsea!! I always had long hair growing up and when I finally gave it a good chop was just what I needed ;)

  9. I go through phases where I grow out my hair and then chop it down. I've never been asked if I'm going through a break up. Lol! Your new haircut looks great! I've been thinking about cutting mine down to the same length.

  10. Ohh the shorter hair looks amazing on you! The last time I had my hair short was freshman year of college too!

  11. this is absolutely awesome! (and i've been asked that before when i cut 13 inches!) and i love your cut, seriously! (and i still think anything below the shoulders is medium-long!)

  12. Your hair looks so cute! The longest I've cut off was about 15 inches (it was almost to my waist and I cut it shoulder length) but I had damaged it by dying it so I couldn't donate. :-( I also did cut off a ton when I went through a breakup in college. He loved me with long hair so I cut it as soon as he was out of my life!

  13. My husband has told me repeatedly that he doesn't like short hair. I've told him I don't care, haha. Wife of the year right here.

  14. I go through the donating cycle every couple years. Yes it takes me almost two years to get it to a length where I can cut it. I have been doing it since high school, so I have lost track of how many times I have donated. I love my hair short, and I love it long, but I hate this in between phase.


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