April Goals | Anchors Aweigh


April 1, 2016

April Goals

Hello, April! April means Springtime, and Springtime means goodbye cold weather. Since I forget how to function when the sun isn't shining, I am welcoming April with open arms! Springtime on the east coast is always exciting because the cherry blossoms start to bloom. So pretty!

As is custom on the first of every month, I am sharing my goals and to-do list in hopes that this little blog will keep me accountable! Before we get to my goals for April, let's see how March's goals went...

Add a breakfast section to my Recipes tab... fail! Oh my gosh, why can I not just sit down and do this? This was also one of my February goals, and I failed it then too. Geez!

Ride 50 miles on my bike... fail! Well, so far we are 0 for 2. I only rode 17, but it did feel great to ride the few times I did!

Redesign my blog... check! I love the new look and love even more that I didn't have to spend hours upon hours designing it myself. Best $12 I have ever spent! To see Anchors Aweigh designs through the years, click here

Put my husband first... check I think? This isn't really quantifiable, but I tried to put him first as much as I could this month, so I am calling this one a success. 

Take a Spring Break from blogging... check! And oh was it wonderful! I scheduled posts, brainstormed new ideas, and enjoyed myself. A week off was just what the doctor ordered. 

And now for April!

Run 30 miles. The weather is nice again, so it's time for me to get out there and run!

Go to a new restaurant. Parker and I are such creatures of habit. This month, I want to branch out and go somewhere we have never been!

Spring clean. Not my ideal Saturday, but I need to deep clean this house for Spring! I'd say there is a 50/50 chance I actually do this.

Find out if I am having a niece or nephew. We should know by the end of this month and I. Need. To. Know. Now!

Go Kayaking. Parker has been itching to do this for months, and the weather is finally going to let it happen. Time to rent those kayaks and go!

Yay goals! What are you hoping to accomplish this month?


  1. Ugh, isn't it so disappointing when you realize you fail a goal for like two to three months in a row? You're not alone, friend! Definitely not alone haha. But you've got some great goals this month! Good luck!!

  2. Running is on my goal list this month as well. I haven't done it in waaay too long and it's a shame!

  3. Kyle and I are creatures of habit as well, we always end up at the same restaurant.

  4. Nice job with your goals in March-- even if you didn't do your breakfast section, a new blog design & a blogging spring break is a pretty big deal :) It sounds like you have a lot of good things to look forward to in April!

  5. I love kayaking! I want to go with Andy sometime. Haha I have a few goals that I failed in so I stopped putting them on my list haha.

  6. Running is something I need to get back to this month as well!

    Have fun kayaking! And trying a new restaurant! We LOVE trying new places, so we rarely eat at the same place more than once... unless we REALLY love it. : )

  7. I have some on my list that I have accomplished for several months too. It happens. As long as we make some progress somewhere right?


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