Favorite Weekend Tradition: Stress Free Saturday | Anchors Aweigh


April 15, 2016

Favorite Weekend Tradition: Stress Free Saturday

With the weekend upon us once again (can I get an amen?!), I want to share about my favorite weekend tradition. 

Stress free Saturday. 

Many of you have heard in the Bible that God rested on the seventh day of creation and set aside that day for us to rest and worship him as well. 

"There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is the day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a sabbath to the Lord." - Leviticus 23:3

A lot of people assume this day of rest needs to be on Sunday, but nowhere in the Bible does it say the sabbath has to be on a Sunday. Sunday is my busiest day of the weekend. We go to church, I go to the grocery store or run any errands I need to for the week, catch up on blogging, cook dinner, etc. etc. Sundays really are not all that relaxing for me, but Saturdays are. 

A few girls in my Bible study were talking about stress free Saturday (their way of taking the sabbath), and I was so excited to start trying to make that a tradition in my home as well. Whether I was hanging out with friends, doing yard work with the husband, or binge watching Netflix, I was going to take this one day to ban all stress from my life. 

Here are a few pictures of what stress free Saturday tends to look like for me:

I have been doing this for several months, and yall, I am obsessed with my stress free Saturdays! I challenge each of you to pick a day of the week (doesn't have to be Saturday) to relax your mind and body. Life is stressful, but I refuse to let that stress creep in on my beloved Saturday!


  1. I absolutely LOVE this idea! I think it's a great plan. We could never do it because my husband is go-go-go 100% of the time (yes, it gets annoying, haha, but he can't be idle for more than five minutes)... I'm going to try to convince him to try it out, though! ;-)

  2. Ooh, I will have to try this! In college I always took Friday nights to completely relax, no matter how much homework I had.

  3. I love your way of thinking...great post Chelsea : )

  4. I love this, such a great idea!

  5. We do this too! It seems like the most logical because we never have something consistently planned. It's great to have a day with no plans and to recharge.


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